Not-So Happily Ever After

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And so our story begins with Madalena desperately waiting for the arrival of our hero, Galavant. There she stood in the tallest tower, overlooking the kingdom, unsure of what to do at this point. Suddenly, King Richard enters the tower with a smile on his face. "Is everything alright, my princess?" he asked
"Yes, my king," said Madalena, wearing a fake smile as she made her way toward the king.
"I should think so" the King chuckled, "In a few moments, we shall marry, and you will instantly become the richest, most powerful woman in the land"
"Yes, my king. Very exciting"
"And then... tonight... you will join me in my bed"
The fair maiden was not in on the idea of 'joining the king in bed' but kept it to herself while pulling off a fake smile.

"We're going to do it" said King Richard, happily snapping his fingers as he goes on about it in a childish manner, including the presents. Once he left the room, Madalena looked at her reflection in the mirror, dressed in her wedding gown with an unsure look on her beautiful face. Meanwhile in another world, a young maiden named Sarah was walking through the city as a frustrated sigh escaped her lips. This was possibly the worst day of her entire life. First, she was late for work and immediately got fired for late absence, her father left with all the money she earned to pay the rent, and now she had no choice but to evict her apartment. "Could this day get any worse?" she asked herself until her eyes glanced at a mysterious bookshop.

It was rather odd, living in the city for so long that she never noticed it before. Then again, the streets were always busy so it was hard to tell what's new and what's not. Sarah glanced at her watch, seeing she had the time to check it out, at least for a little while. The shop itself was rather dark but comforting in a way, shelves lined with books of sorts, even a couple in knickknacks here and there. What really caught Sarah's attention was a book sitting in the far center of the shop. It was definitely tempting to step forward, so much so that Sarah nearly bumps into the owner of the shop. The owner was a rather old woman with long hair and a icy cold stare. She wore a dress that resembled an evil witch, possibly an evil queen, from the old fairy tales. "Be careful where you go, my dear" said the old woman, "Wouldn't want to ruin a pretty face. Then again, I'm still here"
She laughed while Sarah raised a brow at the old woman. "Sorry" she said, "Just wanted to take a look at that book you have displayed over there"
"Oh, then by all means look"

Sarah felt slightly uncomfortable by the owner's presence until she finally made her way towards the book. There it was in a brown binding hardcover and gold lettering in the top center of the cover was the title "The Tale of Galavant"
"Oh I loved this story as a child" said Sarah, smiling down at the book as her fingers gently traced the title and spine before opening the book. There on the first page was a picture of Galavant smiling like the proud and handsome knight he was upon his horse, ready to rescue his true love. Sarah smiled until she felt a claw like hand grasping her shoulder, taking her by surprise. "Ah the Tale of Galavant, quite a tale so they say" said the old woman, "Do you remember how it ends?"
"I think so" said Sarah, "Galavant stops the wedding of Madalena and King Richard, he rescues her, they get married by the sea, and live happily ever after right?"

The old woman raised a brow in confusion and disappointment. "That was a lie, child" she said bluntly, "I suppose your parents told you this to shut you up or something. Perhaps as your punishment, you will be part of the story. That way, you will learn the truth!"
Sarah was confused until the book started to glow and pages started flying around her. She tried to escape only to find herself screaming and appearing in what appeared to be a castle of sorts. The halls were decorated with tapestries of red and gold, even a red carpet which led down towards what Sarah believed was the throne room. Suddenly, Sarah heard the sounds of swords clashing and groans of pain coming from the entrance of the castle, which meant the young maiden had to find a place to hide.

Thankfully she was able find such a place when a handsome knight made his way through the castle while fighting off the guards. That handsome knight was none other than our hero of the story, Sir Galavant. Sarah's heart begins to flutter, one she hadn't felt in years as she watched our hero make his way to rescue his true love.
By all the stars above, I'll save my one true love
Hey, look!
Oh, wow! It's him!
It's Galava-!
Galavant takes down the two guards with swift punches to the gut as another guard comes forth.
I shall not be denied until she's by my side
"I suggest you fall," said Galavant, ordering the guard to collapse, which he obeyed. Sarah watched before quietly following Galavant to the wedding ceremony, making sure not to show herself so the story would continue with ease.

The wedding went on until the priest finally accepted the couple's vows. That is until Galavant finally steps in to stop the ceremony with a charming smile on his face once he sees his true love. Sarah hides behind one of the pillars to watch the scene unfold. "So sorry to interrupt" said Galavant, "My lady"
King Richard's right hand Gareth was about to pull his sword out when the knight stopped him. Of course, Gareth and Galavant could surely fight all night to an evening draw, if that's what the king wishes and bring his night, or fend them all off for the love of his life.

"I love her, Richard" said Galavant, "She's the first thing I think of in the morning and the last thing I think of in the eve. And you can offer her great fame, and you can offer her great fortune, but... only I could offer her great love and that is what she chooses"
Galavant bows before his true love, his striking blue eyes staring up at Madalena. Sarah watched with a smile from her hiding spot, her eyes filled with awe as she fell for the knight's charm. Madalena hesitates before finally giving the knight her answer with an awkward smile, "Actually"
Galavant and Sarah looked at the woman in confusion
"I don't know. I've been thinking a lot about it ever since he kidnaped me, and... I'm gonna go with fame and fortune. Seems like an easier life, you know?"

King Richard was thrilled, silently cheering on Madalena's choice while Galavant stood in shock, embarrassed even that he came all this way for nothing. Nothing but a broken heart after being rejected by his so-called true love. Sarah was just as shocked seeing how the story really went down. THE Galavant rejected by his one true love to become Queen alongside an idiot for a King. With no hesitation, Gareth steps forward and punches our hero in the gut, sending him down to the ground. King Richard smiled at Madalena before making his way toward Galavant, glaring down at our fallen hero. "Good night, sweet prince" he said before throwing a rather weak kick to the face. The king groaned in frustration, telling his right hand to deal with it, which Gareth gladly obeyed. The last thing Galavant saw was his one true love accepting King Richard's hand before everything turned black.

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