Episode 2: New Shoes

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The first week of school was over, and the weekend had arrived. Charlie Brown was outside, feeding Snoopy his normal serving of dog food.

"There you go, Snoopy." Said Charlie Brown. "You eat up your breakfast."
Meanwhile, Sally had gotten up, gotten herself dressed in her clothes, and just as she put on her shoes....

"Ow!" Sally exclaimed.

Sally decided to leave her shoes untied to see if that made any difference, but to no avail.

"Sally?" Charlie Brown called out.

Charlie Brown went upstairs to see if Sally was alright.

"Are you okay, Sally?" Charlie Brown asked his sister.

"I'm okay, Big Brother." Said Sally. "Just..... my shoes are hurting!"
Sally took both her shoes off, and Charlie Brown noticed....

"Your feet are growing, Sally. You know what that means?"
"Yes, Big Brother?" asked Sally.

"You need new shoes."

Sally looked downstairs and saw that her parents were taking Wally with them; They were going grocery shopping.

"Big Brother. Since mom and dad are going shopping, looks like today is the perfect opportunity to get me some new ones." Said Sally.

The two older Brown siblings went downstairs, and called out to their parents.

"Mom! Dad!" called Sally.

"Sally?" pondered Joyce. "Where are your shoes?"
"My feet are too big." Whimpered Sally. "That means I need new shoes."
"Then you called at just the right time." Said Clarence. "Come on. Get your old shoes. I'm taking you shoe shopping. Joyce, you take Charlie and Wally grocery shopping."

"Alright!" cheered Sally.

While Charlie, Joyce and Wally went to the supermarket, Clarence took Sally to the department store, where there were bound to be all kinds of different shoes.

"Wow!" exclaimed Sally. "Such a big store!"
Clarence brought Sally over to the shoe aisle so she could look for a new pair of shoes she would like.

First, Sally tried on a pair of pink platform sandals. Sally tried to keep her balance, but to no avail.

"Ow!" Sally exclaimed, falling out of the big sandals.

"Careful." Said Clarence. "You don't want shoes that are out of balance."
"Okay, Daddy." Sally said.

Another pair Sally tried was a pair of blue loafers.

"Hmm..... too casual." Sally sighed.

Suddenly, Sally saw a new flash pair of pink sneakers with a white stripe by the side.

"Wow!" Sally cried. "Those shoes look amazing!"

Sally tried on the pink shoes, and.....

"Hey! These shoes are amazing!"

Sally sat down and was about to tie these shoes up when.....

"Oh. These shoes don't even have laces." Sally said.

"That's right, Sally." Clarence said. "So, would you like these shoes?"
"Yes please, Daddy!" Sally said.

After Charlie Brown, Wally and Joyce had finished their shopping, Joyce saw Clarence and Sally in the department store, and left Charlie Brown to take Wally and the shopping back to the car.

"Good grief!" Charlie Brown sighed. "Why'd Mom leave it all to me?"
After Clarence and Joyce got done purchasing the new shoes, Sally walked out of the department store in her new pink sneakers.

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