"Well, I'm sure we'll know when they try and take you," Varrick stated bluntly to which Zhu Li elbowed him in the side, "What?" He coughed out.

"That was insensitive," She scolded him.

"It's okay, he's right. That's the whole point of the plan, I'm the bait, hopefully, they come out of hiding to try and take me, right?" Asami tried to smirk confidently, but her worry was obvious and Korra clenched her jaw.

"You'll be alright. We'll have eyes on you the whole time, and the mech-watchers will catch it as well," She told Asami, holding her hand.

"I'll stay near the avatar and Asami, keep an eye out these next few days. No one will get past me, they will both be protected." Kuvira chimed in.

Korra walked over to her gratefully, "I appreciate that."

"You've done much for me, Avatar. It's time I repay you," Kuvira replied.

"So everyone knows what they need to do?" President Moon asked.

The team nodded their response.

"We will all meet up at the mansion the evening of the plan, right before we start," Korra stated, and everyone agreed.

Before departing, Korra pulled Mako aside, not able to let go of what she heard earlier.

"We need to talk real quick," Korra told him, but he was reluctant.

"I need to go Korra, I'm gonna meet up with Tenzin's team and-"

"What did you mean about having promises to uphold?" She blurted out, studying Mako's expression.

Mako closed his eyes, looking away, "I'm an honorable man. . ."

"I know that," Korra said to him, confused by his words.

"And an honorable friend. I can't say, Korra. It won't matter anyway, everything will work out perfectly." He told her.

"So it has to do with the plan? With someone on our team?" Korra asked eagerly.

Mako placed both his hands on her arms, giving a gentle squeeze, "Don't worry about it, Korra. Everything will work out, alright? I need to go."

With that, he walked away.

Korra couldn't let it go, something was off and she needed to know what.

"I'm off to pick up Opal and head to the swamp, we'll be back on time," Bolin said, pulling Korra in for a hug.

"Stay safe," Korra told him.

"Always am," Bolin grinned, waving as he left the lab.

The President and Varrick soon took their leave as well, as Kuvira approached the avatar, "I'm going to talk with the guards about their rotations and positions throughout the city and outside the mansion, I won't be long."

Korra nodded, watching her step out, leaving only her and Asami.

The avatar was starting to feel the effects of it all, growing more tense and anxious as the plan came closer to actually happening. Even if they are able to capture even one of these people, they still need to determine who they are and what they plan to do that involves Asami. Hopefully, Bolin and Opal succeed in getting Toph here, it'll be one less thing they'll need to worry about.

A familiar and gentle hand on her back slightly eased her nerves, "You okay?"

Korra nodded, "Just thinking."


"A lot," The avatar sighed.

"Tell me."

Korra looked at Asami, whose lips pulled up encouragingly at her. She didn't want to ramble on about the plan anymore, so she brought up something else that was nagging at her.

Korra and AsamiWhere stories live. Discover now