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- Small A/N: sorry I died for a little, I had no motivation to write and literally didn't start writing this until like yesterday lmao🧍‍♂️ also Rui's so fucking pretty I swear I need his lips on mine splsslpsslslspslslsplspslspslsls I beg of you🙏🙏⁉️⁉️ anyway I'mma shut up and stop my pathetic simping over a man who wouldn't love me if he was real✌️

also warning this chapter is so much shorter cus I was in a rush to get this out cus I felt bad for not posting for a while <\3 I promise next chapter will be longer!!


     You and Rui make your way to your bedroom in awkward silence. Resting your hand upon your bedroom door handle, you press down on the handle and push open the door. You step in first, and then Rui does. Then you shut the door.

     By the time you turn back around, Rui was already taking things out of the bag. He was sitting on the ground too. You were about to ask why the two of you were gonna do it on the floor, but it occurred to you that there was almost no room on your work table so you kept silent about that.

     Taking a seat next to Rui on the floor, you examine the blueprint and other supplies he put on the ground. "Uh, I don't think you said in specific which idea we were going to do... You listed a bunch of ideas but we never had the time to actually discuss which one we would do I think."

     "Hm, do you have any preferences as to what we should do?" Rui asked, setting aside the bag full of some other supplies.

       "Ah, uhm," you paused, "not necessarily... Just.. erm... nothing too major or overboard." You said. Rui nods with his typical smile.

       Chuckling softly, Rui replies; "Mm, alright. Would you be okay if we did the drone? I think it's simple enough, but it's also not too simple." You think momentarily, and nod a few seconds later.

      "Yeah, that.. should be fine."

      Rui reaches for the blueprint, laying it on his sketchbook and moves closer to you for you to get a better look at the blueprint. "Do you care about what the design is? Or is it basically the same thing— 'simple and not too overboard?'"

"Erm, same thing— Yeah.." You mumble. Rui smiles.

"Okay, understood," Rui said, beginning to sketch a small design on the blueprint, "just let me know if there's something bother you, okay?"

You pause for a moment, caught off guard by Rui's remark. "E-Eh? Oh, okay.."

Nearly an hour passed and you and Rui had some small talk while also working on the blueprint for the design of your project. It wasn't anything too deep, but it wasn't boring. Of course you would still occasionally discuss the project as well.

In the middle of Rui discussing about the blueprint some more, there was a knock on your bedroom door. "Ah! Erm— Come in..!" You say.

Opening the door, Tsukasa pokes his head inside and speaks to the two of you; "Saki said dinner's ready! It's on the table already!"

"Oh! Uh, okay.." You mutter as Tsukasa smiles at you, and proceeds to leave with the door cracked. Rui sits up from the floor, resting the blueprint, sketchbook and pencil on your bed. You stand up shortly after.

"Are you fine if we stop here? We seemed to have finished the blueprint and that seems to be a solid ending point." Rui said. You think momentarily, and then nod.

"Yeah, uh... That's okay." You say, heading to the door and going to the kitchen. Rui follows. When the two of you made it to the kitchen, Saki greeted you both with a bright smile.

Saki points at both of your plates of food as she talks; "Your food is already on the table!" She says as she sits down in her seat.

You and Rui follow. You proceed to eat your food in silence as the other three begin to talk as they have their dinner. Not gonna lie, you felt more awkward with Rui over. You didn't know why, but you also just felt really flustered at the thought of that too. Was it that he was Tsukasa's best friend? Honestly, it were a mystery to you but you didn't think it were important so you tried to ignore it.

Eventually, everyone had finished eating. You and Rui were soon back in your room, cleaning up what you had done in there— Thankfully it weren't much.

"Hm, are you free after school at all the rest of this week?" Rui asked. "I was thinking we could start building next time we work on this, and I kind of want to have a start on it soon but if you can't don't worry. I'll figure something out."

"Uh, I think am. I don't usually do anything after school unless we have homework." You said. "Would it be okay if we could work on it the day after tomorrow?"

Rui proceeded to think for a moment. "It should be, yes. I just won't be free too much this weekend or next week, so I was hoping we could work on it again tomorrow or Friday."

You nod. "Ah, okay. I see then..."

"Mm, I'll be on my way now. I'll see you later, [Y/N]." Rui said, waving you bye as he proceeded to go out your bedroom door. You wave back awkwardly.

"See you..."

- Small A/N: I'm gonna explode <3 but in a good way. My school was originally supposed to be in session Tuesday and the rest of the week but due to terrible weather like flooding and tornados nearby we won't be back until like Tuesday on the 9th. :3 Most normal weather where I live

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