Roll The Dice...

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It was a damp and dark night in hell... Exterminations in a few hours and everyone wanted to live their best lives before they died for good...

What place was better than Black Iceberg Casino?

The casino was a place a great importance, it was considered peaceful ground, no fighting of any kind was allowed, this was a place where you came to forget your woes and gamble away what little or much you had.

It was all overseen by a single Overlord, the overlord of games, Valik. He was a person who commanded respect and Power, when he talked, demons listened...

However he wasn't the type to watch a sinner immediately gamble away their soul, no he was someone more class than that...

As such he made a rule system, you had to start gambling small things and over time you could gamble away bigger things, like your looks, your personality or your soul.

Now you're probably wondering what do I mean by personally or looks? Well you're about to see Valik's power first hand...

A demon with a ceiling fan lodged in his head and the barrels of guns for his fingers walked in the casino. This was his first time and during the place and as such he knew nothing of the rules...

The sinner played all sorts of games and one all sorts of prizes. He thought he was invincible with all his winnings... Until a demon who used to work at this place encountered him.

The demon shuffled a deck of cards in his hands as he spoke. "Listen fool, you might think you're hot shit right now, but if you don't stop and take a break, you'll gain the attention of the wrong people..." The sinner said as he slicked his hair back and the left the casino.

But the sinner who kept winning, just couldn't stop. He kept playing and playing and playing, he kept winning and winning and winning... Eventually words of his luck had reached the big boss of the casino.

The demon with guns for fingers was soon encountered by a pair of female demons, they look pretty human... Except for their faces which looked like skulls with sharp fangs.

 Except for their faces which looked like skulls with sharp fangs

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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