Incorrect Quotes 6

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*The squad is asked what they would do with 5 children with only 3 chairs*
Y/n: Get 2 more chairs.
Thorn: They can get their own chairs.
Dylan: Make them fight for it.
Riley: You only need 1 chair to beat them all with.
Gator Ghoul: I wOuLd NeVeR bE nEaR cHiLdReN.
Phantom Virus: Kill 2.


*The squad is at home depot*
Riley: *Fell in the cacti display while wandering around the garden section*
Gator Ghoul: *S####### in the display toilets*
Phantom Virus: *Tokyo drifting one of those flatbed carts down the aisles*
Thorn: *Stealing paint chips for aesthetic purposes*
Y/n: *Just wanted some godd### lightbulbs and everyone ruined it*
Dylan: *In the car sleeping*


*The squad at disneyland, in the teacups*
Riley, Dylan, And Thorn: *Spinning a little and talking*
Y/n, Phantom Virus, And Gator Ghoul: *Flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*


*The squad is playing Minecraft together*
Y/n: Ooh! A village! You know what that means?
Phantom Virus: Hostile takeover?
Gator Ghoul: GeNoCiDe?
Riley: Steal everything!
Y/n: No, i meant-
Thorn: I didn't know we could fight the ender dragon this early! A village worth of beds isn't enough!
Y/n: ...I was going to say move into the village and become the mayor's...
Thorn: Ohhhh! That sounds like a better idea.
Dylan: Agreed.


Thorn: Man, they look like a real handful. How do you deal with them?
Y/n: *Watching Riley screaming, Phantom Virus trying to set a sleeping Dylan on fire, and Gator Ghoul choking on air* I don't know either.


Phantom Virus: Bye, Y/n! Bye, Riley! Bye, Dylan! Bye, Thorn! Bye, Y/n!
Gator Ghoul: YoU sAiD "bYe Y/n" TwIcE.
Phantom Virus: I like Y/n.


Thorn: The floor is lava!
Dylan: *Helps Riley onto the counter*
Phantom Virus: *Kicks Y/n off the sofa*
Y/n: *Lays on the floor*
Thorn: ...Are you okay?
Y/n: No.


*The squad is on the bus, and a child is crying*
Riley: *Rolls eyes to the sky*
Dylan: *Makes funny faces to get them to stop*
Thorn: *Puts their earphones on at 100% volume*
Y/n: *Doesn't mind, doesn't bother*
Phantom Virus: *Is the reason they're crying*
Gator Ghoul: *Enjoys in silence*


Thorn: So anyways, have y'all seen Phantom?
Dylan: I think they went in Y/n's room "studying".
Riley: Doubt that. I heard groans there.
Phantom Virus And Y/n: *Fighting*


Y/n: Guys? I've been meaning to tell you...Phantom and i are dating.
Phantom Virus, Riley, Dylan, And Thorn: *Gasp*
Y/n: Phantom, why are you surprised??


Y/n: Phantom kissed me!
Riley: Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!
Y/n: It was unbelievable!
Riley: Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!
Thorn: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Riley? Get the wine and unplug the phone. Y/n, does this end well, or do we need tissues?
Y/n: Oh, it ended very well.
Riley: Do not start without me! Do not start without me!
Thorn: Okay, alright, let's hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, "i gotta have you now" kind of thing?
Y/n: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh god, and then we just sort of sunk into it.
Thorn:, okay, were they holding you? Or were their hands on your back?
Y/n: First they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were in my hair.
Riley And Thorn: Ohhh.
Phantom Virus: *Eating pizza in their house* And, uh, and then i kissed her.
Dylan: Tongue?
Phantom Virus: Yeah.
Gator Ghoul: CoOl.


Y/n: Phantom is too tall for me to kiss them on the lips. What should i do?
Riley: Punch them in the stomach. Then, when they double over in pain, kiss them.
Gator Ghoul: TaCkLe ThEm.
Thorn: Dump them.
Dylan: Kick them in the shin.
Phantom Virus: No to all of those! Just ask me to lean down!


Phantom Virus: *To the squad* I'd die for you.
Riley: Then perish.
Thorn: You will.
Y/n: Please don't.
Dylan: Cool.
Gator Ghoul: I'd DiE fOr YoU fIrSt.


Y/n: Y'know, there are other ways to say you want McDonald's.
Y/n: *Sigh* What do you want?
Phantom Virus: Chicken nuggets, please?


Phantom Virus: *Pulls back the curtain while Y/n is showering* Hey, did we- stop screaming it's me -did we run out of cheerios?


*While the squad is in a battle*
Y/n: *Trying to warn about the location of an enemy* To the left!
Phantom Virus: Take it back now y'all!


Phantom Virus: *Angrily presses Y/n against the wall* WHERE'S THE MONEY??
Y/n: ...Are we about to kiss-


Y/n: Th-that was horrible! Your wish is horrible! You're horrible! You're an irredeemable monster!
Bill: Woah, woah! What took you so long, idiot??


Y/n: You are an absolute f###### dork.
Phantom Virus: *Singing* Yeah, but i'm your dork!
Y/n: *Sighs* Yeah, you're my dork.


Y/n: *Banging a pen on the table out of frustration*
Phantom Virus: Stop that. How would YOU feel if i banged you on the table?
Y/n: I- i don't know the correct answer to that question.


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