21. Love Birds Reunited

Start from the beginning

A big, strong hand reached up, and a thumb stroked her cheek ever so gently.

"Adaira... Is...is it really you?"

She nodded, a smile on her face that was wider than any she had worn before. "Yes. Yes, it is."

"Are you absolutely sure? This isn't just a hallucination brought on by blood loss or lack of food? Because if so, I'm going to fast more often in the future."

His grip tightened, as if trying to keep her from disappearing.

"This is no hallucination." Reaching up, Adaira placed a hand over his, entangling their fingers. "I'm real. I'm here. Right here with you."

He closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again and saw she was still there, a determined light flashed in their depths.

"All right," he said, staring at her with an intensity that made her knees weak. "Then I have two questions."

"Anything for you."

"Good to hear. First question...why is there a man in underwear chasing you?"

"Um..." Adaira felt her cheeks flush. Dammit! "Anything but that!"

One corner of Captain Carter's mouth twitched. "So, does this sort of thing happen often? Should I be concerned?"

"Is that your second question?"

"No." Abruptly, his face sobered again. Tightening his grip, he leaned down to claim her mouth in another kiss. This one was different, though. Fierce, relentless, almost angry. When he pulled back only a second later, his normally warm eyes were flashing with rage. "My second question is: what the hell are you doing here?"

Those words hit her like an arrow through the heart. Taking an unsteady step back, she stared up at his angry face.

"You don't want me to be here? I...I thought you and me..."

"I'm not angry because you're here with me!" His hands slid to her shoulders, and he grabbed and shook her. "I'm angry because you're here, in the middle of a revolution, in a city full of people who want to kill you!"

"Oh!" Immediately, Adaira brightened. "That's all right, then."

"That's all ri... Did you hear a single word I said, woman?!"

"I did." Stepping closer again, Adaira snuggled into his chest and luxuriated in the warm feeling. "You love me."

"I didn't even say that!"

"Didn't have to." Looking up at him, Adaira batted her eyelashes. "Am I wrong?"

He stared at her for a long moment—then his expression softened, and he stroked her cheek again, seeming unable to resist. "No."

With a sigh, Adaira closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. This was it. This was why she had travelled thousands of miles. This was what she had been looking for. She was home.

"Where the hell did he go? Damn spy!"

"Let's check over there!"

"Yes, maybe he's hiding in one of the houses. Let's check one by one."

Or maybe not.

This isn't home, Adaira. This is a foreign land, where you are being chased by people who want to kill you and snatch your trousers. Lifting her gaze, Adaira looked up at the man that meant the world to her. And more importantly, they want to kill him.

Her spine stiffened.

Captain Carter seemed to read what she was thinking in her eyes, and the same thoughts were reflected in his.

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