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/ Time skip /

(After detention in izuku's dorm)

Izuku pov : why did kacchan tell me to go to his dorm he never wanted to hang out with even thought that I convinced him about it a lot of times, what could possibly be the reason ,wait
...if he really told me to go to his dorm then that'll be the perfect time to confess my feelings for him, I have been hiding this feeling for a long time now, the only one who knows about it is uraraka-san ,well. I hope it goes well because whenever I see kacchan my mind goes blanc and the feeling of butterflies in my stomach only makes it worse , what time is it anyways . * He see thought his phone that it's 5:55 nearly 6:00* oh my the time is already up I have to go quickly

*He goes to bakugo's dorm*

/Knock knock / *he knocks at the door two times *

Bakugo : the door is already open

*Izuku enters the room to find katsuki sitting at the bed*

Izuku : h-hi kacchan

Bakugo : hey , nerd *bakugo said feeling his heartbeats goes more and more faster and his stomach got butterflies which made him sure that he have feeling for the little greenete*

( The poor guy not even knowing that the other boy behind him have the same feelings for him 😂)

Bakugo : come sit here nerd
*Bakugo said patting the other side of the bed as he was in the right side*

( Just for you to know the bed are the same one in the photo but the room looks like the same in anime not from the photo )

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

( Just for you to know the bed are the same one in the photo but the room looks like the same in anime not from the photo ).

( Also , there's a medium-sized tv
Ahead of the bed a little far since the room is not that big with a few CD's in the TV's table )

* Izuku goes to sit there as  bakugo said his words*

Bakugo : want to play video games?

Deku : sure

*Bakugo handed to izuku one of the controllers*

Bakugo : how about we play "Borderlands"

Izuku : yeah I really like that game

Bakugo : yep , I remember that you liked playing it since we were kids

Izuku : you still remember that
*Izuku said as he slightly blushed*

Bakugo : yeah , I do .

*The played a few rounds until you got a bit tired*

(They are now facing eachother faces )

Izuku : it was really fun playing with you kacchan even thought that you won all the rounds .
* Izuku with little giggles coming out of his mouth 👄*

Bakugo : of course I'd won I'm the best Afterall you nerd . * Bakugo said with a smirk in his face*

Izuku : of course kacchan you're the best at everything

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