Through The Trapdoor

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"No more revision," Ron sighed happily, stretching out on the grass.

"A whole week of nothing to worry about," Elowen added as she laid back, head on Draco's lap and her feet on Harry's.

"You could look more cheerful, Harry," Ron said as he caught Harry's frown, "we've got a week before we find out how badly we've done, there's no need to worry yet."

Harry was rubbing his forehead.

"I wish I knew what this means!" he burst out angrily. "My scar keeps hurting — it's happened before, but never as often as this."

"Go to Madam Pomfrey," Hermione suggested.

"We tried that after the detention," Elowen said. "There was nothing physically or magically wrong with our scars that she could see."

"You didn't tell me your scar was still hurting," Draco frowned down at El. She waved it away.

"It's really not that bad, don't worry."

"It happens every so often," agreed Harry irritably. "And I'm not ill," he told Hermione. "I think it's a warning... it means danger's coming..."

Ron couldn't get worked up, it was too hot.

"Harry, relax, Hermione's right, the Stone's safe as long as Dumbledore's around. Anyway, we've never had any proof Snape found out how to get past Fluffy. He nearly had his leg ripped off once, he's not going to try it again in a hurry. And Neville will play Quidditch for England before Hagrid lets Dumbledore down."

"Hey!" Neville whined good-naturedly. He tossed a twig at Ron and turned to Harry. "I wouldn't worry, Harry, Ron's right. Hagrid's really loyal to Dumbledore, I can't see him telling anyone."

Harry nodded, but he couldn't shake off a lurking feeling that there was something he'd forgotten to do, something important. When he tried to explain this, Hermione said, "That's just the exams. I woke up last night and was halfway through my Transfiguration notes before I remembered we'd done that one."

"Is that why you had your wand lit half the night?" Elowen grumbled. "Lavender was talking this morning about putting a curfew on Lumos charms next year."

The others chattered on, but Harry was quite sure the unsettled feeling didn't have anything to do with work. He watched an owl flutter towards the school across the bright blue sky, a note clamped in its mouth. Narcissa and Hagrid were the only ones who ever sent him letters, and Hagrid would never betray Dumbledore. Hagrid would never tell anyone how to get past Fluffy, never, but...

Harry suddenly jumped to his feet, dislodging Elowen's.

"Whoa, hey, what's wrong?" she asked, sitting up.

"Where're you going?" said Ron sleepily.

"I've just thought of something," said Harry. He had gone white. "We've got to go and see Hagrid, now."

"Now?" Draco sighed, already getting to his feet. "It's only a couple of hours to dinner."

Harry was already halfway across the lawn.

"Why?" panted Hermione, hurrying to keep up.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd," said Harry, scrambling up the grassy slope, "that what Hagrid wants more than anything else is a dragon, and a stranger turns up who just happens to have an egg in his pocket? How many people wander around with dragon eggs if it's against wizard law? Lucky they found Hagrid, don't you think? Why didn't I see it before?"

"See what before?" Neville asked in bewilderment.

"What are you on about?" said Ron, but Harry, sprinting across the grounds towards the Forest, didn't answer.

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