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──────═❀═──────『 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑  𝟏𝟒  』──═❀═──━『 Forest of Death 』

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『 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝟏𝟒 』
『 Forest of Death 』

As we stood there, the sudden scream pierced through the tense atmosphere, causing all of us to whip our heads in its direction.

"Well, that was quick," I remarked, placing a hand on my hip, trying to mask my unease.

"Did you guys hear someone scream?" Sakura's voice trembled with fear. "This place is creeping me out!"

"It's no big deal, Sakura," Naruto reassured her, though his own apprehension was evident. There was a pregnant pause before he added, "I gotta take a leak."

Sakura's admonishment came swiftly, "Not in front of Misaki and I, you goof! We're ladies! Use the bushes!" She delivered a light smack to the back of Naruto's head, prompting him to shuffle off sheepishly towards the foliage.

"I don't think you needed to hit him that hard," I offered sympathetically to Sakura.

With an eye roll, Sakura replied, "I would have hit him harder if you weren't here!"

Confusion flickered across my face as I questioned, "What do you mean-"

"Oh, man! What a relief! Feeling good now!" Naruto exclaimed, and I couldn't help but notice that the scratch on his cheek had miraculously disappeared.

Sakura continued to reprimand him, "Like I said, not in front of a lady!"

Sasuke seemed to catch on, delivering a swift uppercut that sent Naruto flying upward. Reacting quickly, I appeared behind him and delivered a powerful kick to the imposter's shoulder, sending him crashing into a nearby tree, the bark splintering on impact.

"Nice one, Misa," Sasuke remarked with a hint of annoyance.

"M-Misaki, you didn't need to go that far," Sakura stuttered, clearly taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

The imposter huffed, rubbing his sore shoulder. "What was that for?"

"What did you do with Naruto?" I demanded, my voice tinged with suspicion.

He evaded the question, "What are you doing all of a sudden?!"

"What are you doing?" Sasuke retorted.

Sasuke and I both pulled out kunai simultaneously and advanced towards the imposter, who was still disguised as Naruto, attacking from both the front and back.

"Sasuke! Misaki!" Sakura's voice rang out in alarm.

The imposter struggled to fend off our assault, leaping aside to avoid our blades, but we remained relentless in our pursuit.

"Please, stop!" Sakura pleaded.

"Look at him closely!" Sasuke urged urgently.

"Where's the real Naruto?" I demanded once more, my tone filled with determination.

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