Chapter 3-World Cup

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Charlie sits at the edge of the site and tosses a stone in his hand as he gazes out at the open sky, white clouds dotting the sky in large puffs.

"What did you want to show me?" Harper asks him as she sits beside him.

"Nothing." He tosses his stone to the ground and looks at his friend. "You're still getting comments about you and Professor Lupin even though he resigned?"

She sighs. "They're not as bad as before. They're more like...annoying comments. I can live with it, though. Luna helps me through them."

Charlie's lips twitch upward in a smile. "That's good. I'm glad you have such good friends that look out for you when I can't."

"What are You talking about, Charlie? You owl me every week asking on updates about me. I have an entire shoe box filled with those letters." Harper answers him. "I like to take them out and read them from time to time."

"Why?" Charlie asks.

"Because I hate my aunt and uncle." Harper answers honestly with a shrug. "And they seem to think that the letters are having to do with some new spell that'll turn them into frogs."

"Why would they think that?" Charlie asks.

"I may have told them that's what it is.." Harper answers shyly.

Charlie bursts out laughing. "I love you."

Harper stares at him.

Charlie's eyes widen. "Platonically! Obviously."

"Oh. Hah. Yeah. Right." Harper fakes a laugh and smile.

Charlie stands up. "We should probably head back now. The World Cup will start soon."


Harper was watching by the fire as Fred, George, Ginny, and her brother were all dancing around Ron and teasing him for liking Victor Krum.

She couldn't blame him, though. He was fairly attractive, but totally not her type. The complet opposite, actually.

"I think you're in love, Ron!" Ginny giggles as she swerved around George, who was now flapping his arms around like an idiot, a green cape around his shoulders.

"Guys, knock it off." Harper laughs as she pulls her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on her knees.

"You're not fun, Harper!" Harry whines.

"Hey, I'm just saying! Don't tease him for liking Krum. Tease him for his budding feelings for Hermione." Harper finishes.

"HARPER!!" Ron groans loudly as the siblings and Harry 'OOO' and start teasing him once again.

"What did you start this time?" Charlie asks as he walks into the room and takes a seat beside her by the fire.

"Just showing Ron a little love." Harper answers with a smile as she continues to look at the second youngest Weasley sibling being teased relentlessly.

A low explosion was heard far off.

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on!" Fred whoops happily.

Arthur comes running in. "Stop! Stop. It's not the Irish. We need to get out of here. Now!"

Death Eaters we're storming the site with torches of green light as wizards and witches screamed and fled in a hurry, knocking into everyone as they made their escape.

"Everyone! Get to the woods! We will pick you up when we've sorted this all out!" Arthur shouts to all of them.

The Weasley siblings grab Hermione and Harper's hands—who grabs her brother's—and all run towards the woods near the edge of the site.

Once inside the woods, Hermione cast lumos to find Ron had tripped on a large roof that had jutted out from the ground.

"Tripped." Ron says, embarrassed.

"With those big feet, hard not to." The voice of Drago Malfoy snaps.

"Malfoy!" Harry spits out and lunges for the pale blond.

"Harry!" Harper pulls back on her younger brother's hand.

"Hadn't you best all move along?" Draco sneers at the group. "They're after Muggles, after all. Don't want them spotting her." He points his wand tip at Hermione.

"Hermione's a witch!" Harper says.

Draco rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say, Harper. But, please, stick around. The Death Eaters are on their way here, and soon Granger will be showing her knickers in midair to you all." he laughs darkly as he walks away.

"Come on. Let's get deeper into the woods." Bill says to the group, and they all follow the eldest Weasley sibling.

"WAIT!!" Harry yanks his hand out of his sister's and digs through his pockets. "I lost my wand!"

"Harry!" Harper groans.

"We'll go back with him and find it!" Ron insists quickly. Maybe he left it back in the tent!"

"Ron—" Charlie steps forward.

"Won't be long! Go ahead without us!" Ron grabs his friends' arms before rushing them away back towards the ruins of a campsite.

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