ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 88 {TᕼE ᑕᗩT} 🐈

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Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ
"Didn't I tell you? You're going with him." Bo questions the panicked cowboy with a smirk on her rosy face. But boy, I'm hoping she doesn't throw me into the mix at the last second. I just can't anticipate her next move like I use to be able to.

"I am?"

"It's just Woody right...?" I question, not feeling so sure about all of this.

"Don't you worry, I'm not going to make you jump, Y/n" Bo offers me a wink as duke rocks up, now very confident.

"Let's caboom!"

Taking a look a Woody's worried eyes I know I need to speak up for him. He is radiating jitters and nerves and it worries me. If we were the ones who were guiding the situation, I would be going with him. "But are you sure this is a good idea Bo?" I still am not so sure about this. Even though I'm not making the jump, I can't help but question the actual situation and how successful this will be.

The guys set up the stunt ramp and Duke backs up on his bike. I hold my hand out for Woodys as he cautiously steps onto the back of the bike, it almost feels like he doesn't want to let go of my hand because he's squeezing it so tight. I try to tell him through my eyes that it's going to be all okay, it has to be. I know Bo wouldn't do anything that won't work out and would end up with us getting caught.

"It'll be fine, Duke's the best." Bo comments as the bike clicks into place.

"Yeah, at crashing." Woody gawks at her confidence. He's not pleased with this, honestly I don't really know what the plan is after this... we grab Forky and run for our lives? I mean that's the plan we usually use. That was the plan at Sid's house with Buzz, and it was meant to be the plan at Al's apartment, now that I'm thinking about it same goes for Sunnyside. Huh... argh, I need to focus.

Giggle McDimples gives us the cue, turning on a bright neon sign hanging from the ceiling. "Go!" Bo tells Duke with a hush call who immediately accelerates with a fearful Woody on the back.

We all watch with anticipation and nervousness as the two speed off to the other end of the shelf, getting quicker by the second. Buzz steps in front of us holding a quickly unraveling string that's tied to Woody which we need to use for the next step. The pair on the bike seem to start swerving a little and I swear I hear Bo's breath hitch in her throat. My hope is so thin currently, it just doesn't feel like this is going to work after all. Maybe Woody and I shouldn't have consulted her for help, maybe this wasn't the best idea. Maybe I should have returned to fetch Forky with Buzz or even... alone for everyone's safety.

I can hardly watch, my hand fly over my mouth as we anticipate the jump from the biker and cowboy. The vehicle flies off the ramp after Woody forces duke to straighten up after seemingly having some sort of issue. The sore over the open space but they just didn't have enough power, all that swerving before the jump took too much momentum from them. Woody pushes himself from the bike and desperately grasps the cabinet that holds Forky, fumbling around as he stops his movement.

That didn't quite go to plan but with the wrong method, we still go the right outcome...somehow. Down below Dike distracts the cat who dashes off to chase him while I hold onto Bo's shoulder as we hop onto the string zip line to get to the cabinet doors. This is all so extravagant... and for what?

Once Bo and I have zipped over to Woody I change my grasp to hold onto him and he offers me a warm smile and arm tightly wrapped around me. I pull out the key and unlock the glass door before we all slip inside ready to grab the sheep and Forky and get the heck out of here.

Inside the cabinet it smells like old wood and a grandma's kitchen as we sneak around the top shelf, callings for our Fork friend.


TᕼE ᔕᕼEᖇIᖴᖴ'ᔕ ᗪEᑭᑌTY {Y/n the Everything Doll}Where stories live. Discover now