Week Eleven, Monday

Start from the beginning

    Ayano nods. “Of course. I’ll see you, Shiromi.”

    “Bye.” She looks even more amused as she exits the room, silently chuckling to herself.

    Ayano smiles at Megamo. “So, you and the boys are talking more?”

    Megamo, who was just beginning to look calm again, instantly turns red once more. He sputters for a moment, then clears his throat, looking away. “Yes.”

    “I’m glad that you are all getting along so well. When Osano asked for your number, I was confused, but it’s nice to know that you guys all like each other.”

    Megamo nods, relaxing. “They’re pleasant to be around.”

    “Even Osorō?”

    He sighs, but nods again. “Even Osorō. You were right.”

    Ayano feels warm, and gives Megamo one more grin before sitting down at her filing cabinet. “I’m glad. Thank you, for getting to know them and all. It’s nice to have everyone be friends.”

    “Of course.”

    Silence falls between them, but it’s peaceful. Ayano can hear the tapping of texts being sent in between the scratching of pencil on paper, and it’s pleasant. She manages to finish reading the last year two student’s paper right before the bell rings, and feels accomplished.

    When she gets to class, her routine is quickly sidetracked. Right as the bell rings to start class, and Mido walks in, Gaku stumbles away from his desk and to the trash can, where he loudly empties his stomach of its contents. A few of the students shy away from the noise and sound, while Mido just sighs.

    Once the delinquent is done throwing up, he looks up with a grimace, glaring at Hana as she lets out a loud, “Ew! That’s disgusting!”

    Mido clears his throat. “Ayano, can you take Gaku to Mujo?”

    “Of course.” Ayano is by Gaku’s side in seconds, and she offers him an arm to lean on. He brushes it off, huffing and stalking out of the class.

    “The rest of you, open your language textbooks to chapter…” Mido’s voice fades as Ayano shuts the door behind her. 

    The two walk to the Nurse’s Office slowly, with Ayano watching Gaku incase he begins to stumble or looks ready to vomit again. She doesn’t say anything, however, letting him keep the silence.

    But he doesn’t take it, speaking instead. “So, you’re the actress, right?” He asks, and Ayano blinks.

    “Yes. You come to the plays?” She can’t help but ask, surprised that he remembers. After all, Ayano never really talked about her interests much when she’s come to see all of the delinquents.

    “Yeah. I like drama. But even if I didn’t, Osorō talks about you enough that I’d know.” Gaku smirks. “He never shuts up about you, y’know.”

    Ayano blushes, her face hot. “That’s sweet of him. He’s a wonderful friend to have.”

    Gaku snorts. “Oh, wow. Friend zone, huh?” He mutters to himself. “Glad he has another friend. And, uh, he told us about a conversation he had with ya.”

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