••••《 5 - Counterbalance 》

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"And how exactly does a girl act?" Aisha raises and eyebrow. I look towards Miguel in panic and suddenly feel my head begin to shake.

"You know, whiny and emotional and extra. They constantly cut people off." My dad groans, and then suddenly looks back at me. "Not you though." My dad tries his best to grin and fix what he's messed up, but I shake my head at him in frustration. Aisha suddenly brings the attention back to herself.

"Well I know a few boys who do the exact-" My dad cuts her off.

"Quiet!" He shouts.

"Okay, Dad, can we get on with this!" I shout out. I feel like sometimes he forgets he has a female daughter. He looks back at Miguel and me and let's out a sigh before changing the subject. "I hear you're bullied at school."

"Yeah. People say a lot of things to me in the halls, but you know what's actually gotten worse? The online death threats. I constantly get texts from unknown numbers calling me a pig and telling me to kill myself." Aisha mutters. I feel my face soften. I feel terrible. My dad suddenly begins laughing.

"Wow! What a bunch of cowards!" He shakes his head and begins pacing around, back and forth, in front of Aisha. "I mean come on! When I was in high school, if you had something to say to someone, you said it to their face! These wimps are too scared to actually talk to you. God, what a bunch of spineless cowards hiding behind a computer." My dad rolls his eyes. "You're not scared of them? Are you?"

"No." Aisha murmurs. "They don't scare me."

"Good because next time you're going to send them a message." My dad throws his fist in the air. "With your fist!"


Scene Two – Aisha's first training:

"Okay, for your first day, Ms. Robinson, I'm going to have you go up against Miguel." Johnny says as Miguel and Aisha stand in front of one another. Miguel's jaw suddenly drops.

"Wait a second!? You want me to punch a girl!?" Miguel shouts. "Why can't Brooke do it?"

"I suggested you do it." I shrug. "You know, to get the practice in." I give Miguel a quick wink and small smile. "You've almost punched me, it's basically the same thing."

"Not just that, but, as I was informed, men and women are equal, so yes. You two are going to fight." My dad crosses his arms. "I want you to prove to me that men and women are equal right now." Miguel looks around in a panic and Aisha suddenly butts in, in a panic.

"Okay, I'm just going to remind everyone that it's my first day and I've never even done this before!" Aisha exclaims.

"Your opponent won't care how much practice you've had!" My dad shouts out.

"Oh God, I'm sorry about this! I don't want to hurt you." Miguel suddenly says right after my dad finished talking. Everything seems to be chaos.

"Bow to me." My dad instructs. "Bow to each other." There's a slight pause as they bow. "And begin!" Miguel goes in with a quick punch followed by a kick, hitting Aisha. She instantly falls over onto the mat.

"Aisha! Oh my God! I'm sorry!" Miguel shouts out and goes running over Aisha who's pulling herself off of the ground. As soon as Miguel gets over to her, Aisha gets up and rams herself into Miguel. Miguel falls over, making a loud squealing noise. Aisha suddenly jumps up and falls onto Miguel. I can hear Miguel struggling for air as Aisha gets up off of him.

"And that's how it's done!" I shout suddenly. "Holy shit! That was awesome!" I look towards my dad. "And with zero practice." I smirk.

"Yes, Ms. Robinson, that was impressive." My dad looks towards me, raising an eyebrow and then back towards Aisha. "Welcome to Cobra Kai." He gives Aisha an awkward grin. I watch my dad's eyes move towards the ground, hitting Miguel. "God, Brooke, will you help Miguel off of the damn floor." He turns towards Miguel. "Be a man! Get off the floor!"

Cobra Kai Fan-Fics - Four Separate StoriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin