"yeah right, like you even cared..." aquila rolled her eyes and crossing her arms, which caused sirius to become offended and hurt.

"aquila, of course i care. what on earth are you talking about?!" sirius spat, pissed off.

"well i don't believe you!" aquila said, raising an eyebrow, turning away to walk onwards.

sirius surged forward to grab her arm and turned her around, a hiss of pain escaping her lips as she pinned her glare on the boy, who snatched his hands away as if he had been burned.

aquila looked toward the screen with a sad look in her eyes, sirius looking over at her, with sorrow building behind his metal eyes.

"wait! we have to talk about this! i thought we were making progress, what is this all about, keils? what did that horrid woman tell you!" sirius asked quietly, deeply hurt at her reaction to him.

"of course we weren't making progress sirius, you left me to die, why would you ever think i would forgive you for that?" aquila mocked, tilting her head to accentuate her tease.

"but..." sirius stuttered, stuck in his place, eyes tearing up as he realized this was not the same aquila that had been with him before break.

"b-but, but what, sirius? there's nothing to be said. you were daft enough to believe that i would forgive you for what you did. let's be honest, we all know you hate me, if you didn't, you wouldn't have left." aquila mocked once more and shrugged as if it were the simplest and most logical thing in the world.

"aquila, i don't hate you, why are you saying this? you're not my keila!" sirius blurted, confused.

"oh, honey, there is no more 'your keila' anymore, she died a long time ago..." aquila giggled, "in fact, you killed her. it's completely your fault she's dead."

"oh, that's not..."


"this is so fucking sad!"

sirius felt like time had stopped, and he flinched away from the girl. he felt as if he was in front of walburga once more, her poisonous words sinking into his skin like the fangs of a snake.

"please don't say that, star, please! please don't act like this again! i want my keila back!" sirius begged, tears rapidly building.

"no." aquila said, simply, her eyes still cold.

"my sweet aquila, please-" james was cut off,

"stop it, potter. there is no 'your sweet aquila' either. in fact, there never was. think about it, i'm meant to be cunning, i was faking everything. i never forgave either of you, i just manipulated into thinking that i did. everything went according to plan." aquila smirked as their faces dropped.

"god damnit, walburga!" orion roared, rushing toward the woman, but being stunned by an older aquila, who had emerged from the room, looking to her father in disappointment. it was his fault in the first place. she wouldn't have had to go through this if her father wasn't a coward that stayed neutral to all of her abuse.

james felt his heart hammering against his chest, he felt it break as he stared at the girl he had spent months trying to get to warm up to him.

"oh, sweetheart..." euphemia whispered, looking toward her son with poorly disguised pity.

it was all a game to her, they were just pawns that she could manipulate to play in her own twisted game of chess.

his stomach hurt, as if it physically hurt him to believe her words. but quite frankly, he didn't know what to believe. he didn't believe that another human being could do that to another, but he also didn't believe that his aquila would do something like this.

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