[ 027 ] bathed in shadow.

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           "HOW'S YOUR HAND?" ANNIE worryingly asked as she observed the wounded look that was a fixture upon Lisa's face for the foreseeable future

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"HOW'S YOUR HAND?" ANNIE worryingly asked as she observed the wounded look that was a fixture upon Lisa's face for the foreseeable future. The young girl cupped her injured hand to her body, her thumb running gently along the white bandage that was wrapped tightly around it.

The next day had come around fairly quick. News of the attack on Lisa had made the rounds through the camp. Blood had been pouring from her palm as she staggered her way to the infirmary the night prior.

"Hurts." Lisa lowly muttered while returning to her previous task of preparing the smoothie that had been requested by Charlotte.

          Annie nodded her head in understanding. "That makes sense." She breathed out as she too continued with her tasks. Yet again, Charlotte had asked that Annie prepare a meal for the newcomer and so she had been busily cooking. A pensive look flashed across her face. "That woman, Natalie? She did it, right?"

            She looked away from the stove for a brief moment to glance over at the injured girl, who just mutely nodded her head. Annie sadly sighed for the girl. "I'm sorry, Lisa. I can make you something if that would make you feel better?" The March woman then suggested with a bright smile.

          The small of smiles broke up Lisa's lips at Annie's attempt to cheer her up. "No, it's okay, Annie. I better just get this to Charlotte." She stated while holding up the now completed smoothie. "Thank you, though."

          Lisa then sent the older woman a quick smile before dashing out of the kitchen and making her way towards the walking paths in search of Charlotte. She found the woman quickly enough, walking side by side with Lisa's attacker. Whirl making her way closer to the pair, she couldn't help but hear part of their conversation.

Natalie was somewhat snarling at the camps leader. "She's been here all this time? What the fuck, Lottie?"

Lisa wondered who they were talking about. It was clear the two women knew one another so were they discussing someone from their past? She knew everyone at the camp and no one seemed closer to Charlotte than the rest. Not wanting to dwell on the topic anymore longer, Lisa just shook her head lightly before stepping alongside Charlotte and offering up the smoothie.

Charlotte accepted the smoothie with a grateful smile though it quickly disappeared from her lips. "I smell butterscotch. Did you—did you put maca root in here?" The woman questioned, just barely hiding her annoyance. A false looking smile then tugged at her lips. "Hmm. I asked for ashwagandha. I want my focus increased, not my libido."

Lisa immediately began to stutter. "I-I'm sorry Charlotte. I must have mixed it up when I was talking with Annie. I can go down and make you another one."

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞 ✸ 𝐘𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now