Chapter 1

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You slowly rose up from the ground and looked as the Unknown God finally disappeared. She withered away and became nothing more than ash as the wind blew her away. You looked over to Paimon who was still unconscious on the ground beside you. You slightly smiled and then felt your eyes becoming heavier and heavier as you fell onto the ground. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt when you hit the ground and you just let your eyes flutter closed as you laid there still and unmoving. As you closed your eyes, it felt like you were falling, like you were in another nightmare, falling through endless darkness. Every part of your body hurt after that fight and you were severely hurt from the Unknown God. You couldn't move your body without it aching because of the severe pain. So, you just laid still and let yourself be consumed by the darkness. Memories started playing in your head as if you were slowly dying and your mind wanted you to remember the happy memories before you passed on. It hurt to remember those happy times you had with Aether and Lumine before you were all separated but you made some very nice memories while you were traveling across Teyvat. You finally felt somewhat at ease with everything you've managed to accomplish throughout your travels even if you weren't able to say your final goodbyes to everyone. Time seemed to come to a complete stop as you reminisced about everything that has happened. The good time, the bad times, and even the stupid times you've had with everyone seemed to fill a hole inside your heart that your siblings had left empty for a long time. "Not yet..." You suddenly heard a voice echo around you. You slightly opened your eyes only to be met with surroundings that were completely different from the one you were just in. The stars sparkled around you with different arrays of colors that made everything look like it was glowing. You could make out so many different constellations and a multitude of different colors that all clashed together to make a beautiful sight. You were taken aback by your sudden change of surroundings and turned to face the direction of where the voice had come from. A beautiful woman stood before you with a simple smile painted on her face. "Your journey has yet to begin Traveller, you still have much to do.." Her eyes looked into yours, as if she almost pitied you. As she began to move closer, you were finally able to get a better look at her. Her skin was a darker mix of periwinkle while her eyes were the color of gold. Her hair was white as snow and flowed with her movements as she inched closer to you. You were enraptured by her beauty and grace, you had never seen someone like this before. You looked up at her and she simply smiled. "No need to be afraid I promise." You nodded your head in response and she seemed to understand. "Before your next journey begins I would like for you to give me your right hand." You were a bit confused but you gave her your hand nonetheless. Her words were like the loveliest melody or the sweetest honey that made you unable to refuse whatever she asked of you. As her hand gently took yours, she clasped her other hand on top of yours. She started saying something that you couldn't quite make out but as soon as she stopped speaking, a symbol appeared on your hand. It didn't burn or anything, it just appeared there as if it had been there the whole time. She let your hand go and you touched where the symbol had appeared and it didn't hurt at all. It puzzled you a bit and she seemed quite amused by your reaction and slightly chuckled under her breath. She found you quite interesting to put it lightly which is why she specifically chose you. The symbol was a crescent moon with two tiny stars in it. "Well now this is goodbye." You were about to ask what the symbol meant but you were hit with another sudden sense of drowsiness and fell back asleep. She walked back over to your sleeping form with something bright in her hand. "Hm.. I'm sure this stellaron will be of great help to you in the near future, my dear." She placed the stellaron into your chest and stepped back a bit. She studied you for a split second before turning away. "They'll remember their past travels I'm sure of it. I wonder how much of an impact you'll make to the people you'll soon meet." She smiled a bit and then wandered off into the distance.

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