5. Ginny?

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With all the rules and regulations in place, Sam felt a new type of boredom. She thought all the students might, Sam always found herself doing something; she was either playing Quidditch, reading up on something or playing pranks. All she done was read and get bothered by two extremely bored boys.

"How do you find enjoyment in reading, Sam?" George asks, as the twins watched the girl read.

"I just do, it's muggle books that have great stories." Sam replies, flipping a page as the twins look at her. "Go and bother Lee or one of your other dorm mates."

"Boo, you're boring." Fred says, as she looks up from the book.

"Well I don't have much else to do. It's half six, so no going out." Sam says, with a sigh.

The Quidditch team, were unsure of if they'll have anymore games this year. All the teams were in slight frustration as they were all itching to practice and see who would win. Oliver Wood still even two weeks later, hadn't fully got over them not playing the game against Hufflepuff - he already made it clear to the team he wants to win before he inevitably leaves Hogwarts.

"Stop whinging at Sam." Melanie says, taking a seat next to Sam. "Go and bother your brothers or sister for that matter."

The twins stalked off to find their next victim of claiming they were bored.

"What are you reading?" Melanie asks, as Sam places the book down.

"Oh nothing fancy." Sam says, with a sigh. "I'm so bored."

"You sound like Fred and George." Melanie says, as Sam stretches her arms.

"Can you believe I've done all my assignments for all classes, and handed them in on time?" Sam asks, Melanie who looks at Sam in shock.

Sam done her assignments, but was a very last minute person. She wasn't overly sure on what she wanted to do yet, maybe she would become an Auror. The job itself sounded exciting to Sam, maybe not so much the paperwork that came with it.

"Wow." Melanie replies, with a yawn. "To be honest I think you are definitely getting bored."

"Well it might be a good thing, as I'm not sure what grades I'll need for whatever job I want to do." Sam says, with a shrug of her shoulders. "Maybe it's time I grew up."

Even though the days have got longer, with the summer time just around the corner with the sun still glowing at seven pm everyone was tucked away in the common room. Sam had made friends with more people, as it was a great chance to know everyone. Although the Gryffindor's were like a family before, she felt as if everyone got closer in this time of uncertainty.

Sam was trying to cram in some studying before the early curfew started when an announcement was made.

"Can all students make their way back to their common rooms immediately. And all teachers make their way to the staff room." The announcement rang through the school, as every single student was escorted back to common rooms as prefects done their head counts and registration.

It seemed three Gryffindor's were missing. Harry Potter, Ron and Ginny Weasley.

"But what would Ginny be doing?" George asks, as Percy looks sick with worry.

"And what are those two up to again?" Sam asks, as Fred holds her hand in worry. "It'll be fine Fred."

After hours and hours of waiting, the Gryffindor common room finally found out what had been happening.

Ginny, bless her soul, had somehow been cohered and bewitched into vandalise the school and terrify everyone, something to do with a diary. Ginny was so shaken up by it, and constantly one of her four brothers she attended school with would bother her about it. The truth came that the chamber of secrets was definitely there, and somehow a young version of you-know-who was trying to drain the life out of Ginny to become fully formed again, and of course the hero Mr Harry Potter saved the day.

The best news was, in Sam's opinion, is that Lockhart had a memory charm backfire on him and was now in St Mongos. She read a page in the daily prophet, about how it came out about him being a fraud and she smiled smugly to herself.

"Still laughing over Lockhart then?" Angelina asks and Sam nodded her head.

"I told you something wasn't right about him." Sam was very smug with her words.

"He just seemed charming." Melanie replies.

"Ewww, no." Sam scrunches her face, before going back to read the paper.

As the weeks went by, exams had been cancelled and Quidditch was announced to come back next year due to the lack of games played by all the teams however that didn't mean practice wasn't on the front of Oliver Wood's mind.

The end of the year swung around quickly, with all those being petrified back with us and Hagrid was back at Hogwarts. Sam was glad the madness was over, just enjoying the last few weeks of school being somewhat normal.

The twins went on some prank rampage, maybe due to the fact they couldn't prank for so long. However, Sam also got her own satisfaction from them as well.

"Another year gone, eh?" Fred says, settling next to Sam.

"I know, it's gone so quick." Sam says, resting her head on his shoulder. "It's crazy, really."

"Yeah, and yet you've not spent even a week at the Burrow." Fred says and Sam sighs.

Summer was always a busy time for the Roberts family, so she rarely ever found time to see the Weasleys during the summer even though she would love to.

"Maybe, this year." Sam says, as the rest of their friends settle down in front of them.

"Aww look at Sammy and Freddie." George says, as the pair slowly move away from each other with their cheeks glowing a slight red.

"Shut up, George." Sam says, as Melanie sits herself between the pair.

"They are cute." Melanie says, and Sam sighs at her friends teasing.


A/n: apologies about the delay and short chapter, had a few very busy days with work and everything else. But I hope you have all had a good day/ are having a good day :)

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