Charles pov

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I tossed and turned in bed,but I just can't sleep. I don't know why. Is it the fact that it's 31° or the fact that my first love is a room beside me.

My first love also my latest or last love
Well I thought last love.
Well maybe she still could be?

I suddenly grab a pillow and scream into it

I look at my phone on my night stand
4.56 a.m

The sun would be coming up soon
Maybe I should go for a run to clear my head.

I get out of my pick my gym clothes out,change,put on my shoes and grab my phone opening the door walking to the kitchen/living room.

No way Athena would be awake at this time.
She is a night owl,I'm a early bird

I get a water bottle from the fridge while checking my phone.

I hear small movements.
I look over from where they are coming from on the couch.

She is peacefully asleep a winters tale open on her chest.
She looks so calm,her face,her gentle and gorgeous face,her fluffy,soft hair.

I pick up then book I was reading well we were reading and put it down not forgetting to mark the page.

I look at her once more before picking her up gently bridal style

And take her to her room.
Placing her on the bed,and tucking her in,catching one more glance before kissing her forehead

"Ti amerò sempre Atena. Ti amo contro la ragione, contro la promessa, contro la pace, contro la speranza, contro la felicità, contro ogni scoraggiamento che potrebbe essere. Il mio amore per te non ha profondità, i suoi confini sono in continua espansione. Sei il mio cuore, la mia vita, il mio unico e solo pensiero. Ogni giorno ti amo di più, oggi più di ieri e meno di domani. In tutto il mondo non esiste un cuore per me come il tuo. In tutto il mondo, non c'è amore per te come il mio. Dubiti che le stelle siano fuoco. Dubita che il sole si muova. Dubitare della verità per essere un bugiardo. Ma non dubitare mai che amo. La mia generosità è sconfinata come il mare, / il mio amore altrettanto profondo; più ti do, / più ho, perché entrambi sono infiniti. Sapevo di amarti prima di incontrarti. In tutto il mondo, non c'è cuore per me come il tuo.Ti amo "
I whisper to her
"Good night mi amour" I kiss her one more time before walking out of the room and closing the door.

I will always love you Athena.I love you against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be. My love for you has no depth, its boundaries are ever-expanding. You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought. Each day I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine. Doubt thou the stars are fire. Doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar. But never doubt I love. My bounty is as boundless as the sea, / My love as deep; the more I give to thee, / The more I have, for both are infinite. I knew I loved you before I met you In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. I love you

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