"Yizhuo, I sincerely appreciate you. I will never force you to do anything until you are ready. I want to do it with you because I love you, and my love is sincere for you." she said looking directly into my eyes, my heart melted at that very moment, I was so happy with what she had just said.

"Thank you Aeri to respect my decisions, to respect me. I love you too, I've never been so happy, since we met, you complete my days. When we talk on the phone, I keep smiling like a crazy person. You haunt my days and nights and I don't mind. You're driving me crazy, Uchinaga Aeri. I love you." I hugged her tightly and smelled her scent. So that's we called to fall madly in love with someone?

Aeri's POV

I was a little surprised that Yizhuo asked me to be her official girlfriend. I thought I should be the one to do it. I know she was shy when she asked me, she didn't really look me in the eye. Yizhuo is really a sweet person, she is passionate about what she does and the most important thing is that she is sincere. It's what I was looking for in a guy, but apparently it doesn't exist. I invited Yizhuo to my house, I know she was hesitant. I was holding back from laughing when I sat on her, she was sweating so hard. I love teasing her because she's so cute. But I didn't want us to do it, I know she wasn't ready even though I've been waiting for this all along. I respected her and I wanted us to do it because we both wanted to. I want it to be special, I'll wait for the right time.

I was lying on my bed, Yizhuo was sitting next to me. She had taken the guitar from my room. I received this guitar for my birthday, but I can't play it, so I used it as decoration. When Yizhuo saw it, she got excited like a five-year-old child. She asked me if she could play a song, she started to play and to sing. Her voice was magical, it was soft and she looked like an angel who had fallen from heaven. While she was singing, she hadn't taken her eyes off mine. I think for the first time, I blushed. No one has ever done such a romantic thing for me.

"Your voice is magic Yizhuo." I told her I was still amazed. She smiled and put down the instrument in its place.

"I'm glad you like it." she joined me in bed and lay down next to me. I put my head on her chest and put my arms around her waist. I looked like a koala clang on to a tiger, can you imagine? I give her a few pecks all over her face, especially on her cheeks.

"You drooled me all over and I'm wet now!"

"Oh are you already wet for me?" I asked her wiggling my eyebrows.

"Yaaaah that's not what I meant!" she said putting her hands in front of her face to hide the embarrassment. I lowered her hands, she had turned red, I just wanted to keep her in my arms forever.

"You're too cute." I kissed her for the thousandth time tonight. Yizhuo straightened up and put herself on me, she stroke my face and I felt her smiling. She put her hands on my waist and tickled me without warning.


"Beg for it." she said but she said it in a sensual way.

"Are you sure what are you asking for?" I said challenging her. I got up and took off my tank top and shorts, I was in my underwear in front of her. Yizhuo had become even redder and I heard her praying. I stood next to her in the same position as I did right away, my head on her chest and my arms around her waist. Yizhuo didn't react, she was like chocked. "Please babe, don't stop it." I whispered near her ear. She looked at me and smirked. She put her hand behind my back and stroked my buttocks. She placed sensual kisses in the crook of my neck.

"Tonight, it's just kisses and hugs, we'll do it step by step." she whispered for the last time tonight.

Minjeong's POV

it's been four days since Jimin and I last talked. She had warned me that she couldn't come to work this week because she had a group work to do. She even told me that I shouldn't pick her up because she had a different schedule. I couldn't find time to go and see her because, by chance, this whole week I've been busy with different meetings. What happened in the office last time between Minju and I was a misunderstanding. Let me explain it. I was answering emails when Minju appeared in front of the door. I didn't remember planning anything with her and indeed, she came to visit me because she probably had nothing to do. She had made me a coffee because she could see that I was not taking a break. When she brought the coffee, she stumbled over and spilled it on me. My white shirt was no longer white. She had apologized a million times. Of course I didn't blame her, she didn't do it on purpose. She had quickly looked for a cloth to clean me. When she was rubbing my spotted shirt, she lost her balance and fell on me. Luckily I had held her by the shoulders or she would have hurt herself. Unfortunately, Jimin arrived at a time when we were in a rather delicate position. However, when Minju took her lingerie out of my closet in front of Jimin, I didn't like it at all, I wasn't even sure that her stuff ever got in my closet. Anyway, I didn't want to make things worse, so I didn't say anything. I wanted to explain myself, but Jimin hadn't given me the opportunity, she just left me there to deal with the phone calls that kept on coming. But at least it shows me that Jimin feels something for me, she had behaved like a super jealous girlfriend and I think it's cute.

It was Thursday, calls were less frequent and I didn't have any more meetings until next week. Which means I'll be able to pick Jimin up after school. I'll give her a little surprise. I was also thinking of inviting Jimin for the weekend, I have planned a lot of activities. I put the last things on my desk and took the keys to the car. I cleaned up the last things on my desk and took the keys to the car.

I was now outside the campus, watching the students passing through. I wonder what kind of student I would have been if I had the opportunity to have a class like the others. I'm sure I would have hit on all the girls in school. I finally saw Minjeong from afar, she was walking with kai. Normally, I would have gotten angry, but it was not the right time because it was already complicated enough as it was.


"Minjeong. What are you doing here?"

"To pick you up?"

"I told you, you don't need to do it."

"I know but I settled everything at the company and thought I'd surprise you by picking you up..." I scratched my nape, I don't even know why I was justifying myself for everything.

"Sorry, Minjeong, I'm going home with kai today." she said coldly.

"Jimin please, don't be childish." she's getting on my nerves now.

"Excuse me?"

"It's not what I meant. Let's go talk like adults."

"If you came to tell me how to behave, I advise you to go home."

"What the heck Jimin! I just want to talk with you and you're here, talking to me like shit!"

"If you don't like how I talk to you, then move." she pulled Kai towards the car and they left. I counted in my head from 1 to 100 to avoid exploding.

"FUCK!" I hit the hood of the car, my blood was boiling, I could kill someone right then and there.

'What's the point of being sincere if we still end up treating you like shit.'


hey guys sorry sa tagal may sakit lang na appendicitis but i'm okay na i guess 


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