chapter 3: University

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jimin's pov

Today is Monday, it means I have class. There are some days where I just want to lay in my bed and do nothing, but the image of my mother cleaning the 100 floors of the company motivates me to get up and fight for us. It is currently 5:30 am, which gives me plenty of time to take a shower and have breakfast. My mother left 4:30, her schedule is worse than mine and she doesn't even complain. So I took a quick shower and chose my clothes. I decided to wear slim jeans and a black top with long sleeves because it was chilly today. I looked in the mirror and could say it, I was quite proud of my body even though I never had time to. work out, I have a sexy ass and my boobs were perfect for my body. Damn Kim Minjeong.

Then I decided to make myself an egg with bacon. When I was a child, I wanted to be a chef and to open my restaurant. When I am cooking, I feel free like I can make anything with ingredients. When my father was still with us, my mom would every time cook dinner with him, they were so happy, I loved hiding myself behind the counter to watch them. I really miss these kinds of moments, but it will never happen again. If I could have power, I would go back in time to enjoy these moments.

Every day I go to the university by bus, I obviously couldn't afford a car. Fortunately, this morning there were not that many people because I hate when people get stuck to me especially in summer, it's like some people don't take a shower.

I walked towards the building when suddenly the window of a sports car rolled down.

"Excuse me, miss, do you know where the Chez Giovanni Pizza restaurant is located?" In fact, I don't often pass by here and unfortunately my GPS has dropped out..." A pretty black-haired girl with a doll face asked me a little embarrassed. God she was so cute and sexy with her kissable plump lips.

"Of course, go straight ahead and turn left at the first street, the restaurant is on the corner!" I said to her with a smile.

"Oh thank you, you are my savior!" she said to me and winked at me.

"You are welcome" she took one last time to look at me and started the car. She must be very rich considering the way she was dressed and the car she was driving, in addition she is beautiful and attractive, a goddess.

minjeong's pov

I'm really going to kill Yizhuo. She called me this morning because she wanted to meet at the restaurant with Seulgi and Joy. It doesn't bother me, it's just I don't go often here and so I get lost all the time because I really don't have a sense of direction. I had been trying to contact the others for 10 minutes now and as if by chance, none of them had answered. Suddenly, I saw a pretty girl far away, she was wearing slim jeans and a black tank top with long sleeves that put her shapes in value, damn I would fuck her well. I'm going to ask her because staying in this car complaining won't make things change.

"Excuse me miss, do you know where the Chez Giovanni Pizza restaurant is located? In fact, I don't often pass by here and unfortunately my GPS has dropped out...." I said to her a little embarrassed because I really don't usually ask for help, I always try to manage.

"Of course, go straight ahead and turn left at the first street, the restaurant is on the corner!" she explained, I took the time to examine her face, her big eyes and her damn smile. She looks sexy and cute at the same time, damn girl. I thank her and before leaving, I took the time to admire her body before I started my car, she really has a goddess body, her chest is just perfect and her ass would fit on my dick. I wonder how her lips would taste and I'm sure her voice must be a perfect melody when she moans my name. I look like a real pervert, but I can't help it, especially when you have that kind of creature in front of you. If I meet her next time, I will not let her go.

jimin's pov

I finally arrive and head for the lecture hall where I have class this morning. The room was strangely full today, I scanned the room with my eyes and saw Aeri calling me from afar. I sat next to her and packed my things.

"jimin-ah, this Friday night, we're going to have a party for Irene's birthday!" she says excited as a 5-year-old child.

"aeri how many times do I have to say that nightclubs are not for me." Aeri rolled her eyes on me."Aishh Minjeong, you're acting like an old woman, let go and have fun! Who knows, maybe you'll find yourself a handsome guy or a sugar daddy." she says with her mischievous smile.

"Aeri, I don't need handsome guys or a sugar daddy." Sometimes she really annoys me.

"Okay, but please, it's gonna be great and I promise you we'll be home before midnight!" she begged me.

"Okay, but just this once because I haven't seen Irene since last year and that's the only time I'll be able to see her." Aeri hugged me."Yaaaah thank you jiminiee!"It was afternoon and it was a nice weather, I was strolling with Aeri in the campus. There were many students who were lying on the grass, some were having a picnic, others were playing card games. There were couples who were making out in the corners, I don't understand how they can do that in public, they are really not embarrassed, aren't they?

"aeri, why people love making out in public?" I asked her because I always ask myself, I think I would never be able to some kind of stuff.

"Oh my jimin-ah! I never know that you were interested into those things." she said with a fake shock.

"Yaaaaah aeri! I'm not! It's just... I don't understand."

"I think that when you're in love, all the things around you disappear and there's only the two of you left in this world."

"But still, it's not a reason to make out in front of everyone.' I said shaking my head.

"Alright jiminie, but make sure you don't do the same thing later." she chuckled.


"Hey jimin! I have a party tonight at home. Do you want to come? I can give you a good fuck if you want" Aeri and I looked who was the stupid guy to say those dirty things. It was Kai with his team.

"Fuck you Kai, you're just disgusting." I said rolling my eyes. I hate this guy, he is full of himself. He was on the basketball team and all the girls of the university were around him.

"Kai, please leave her alone." Aeri said calmly.

"Alright but yu jimin, you know where to find me if you want to cum." he winked at me and left with his stupid friends. Disgusting.

The day went by pretty quickly. Some students ended their days at the library while others were just waiting to come home and throw a party. The university is like another world, a weird world. There were several types of people in university : the popular ones like cheerleaders and the basket team, the nerds with no social life, and the normal ones like me, I don't have any particular place in this community, I don't complain about it, I just don't like it when people come to bother me like what happened earlier. But in the end, I think that after I graduate, I will miss university because all the things we experience are finally part of us forever whether it's good or bad memories.

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