Reconciliation (Naim x Fakhri)

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(English with Malay dialogues)

Fakhri was heading to his brother's room, wanting to see him as soon as he heard from Mama and Papa that Naim was awake. He then stopped in his tracks when he saw Amirr and Naim hugging, with Kakak DM looking over them fondly.

"This scene again," Fakhri remembered vividly how proud he was of his brother when he successfully took down Ariz. His thoughts stopped in track when Naim and him made brief eye contact. Fakhri acknowledges this and tries to walk away to give his brother and Amirr space.

"....Fakhri, nak pergi mana?" Naim called out, not wanting to lose his brother again.
"Takde, macam busy je.. Nanti malam2 sikit, aku datang balik" Fakhri replied awkwardly.

Amirr and Mia took note of this and wanted to give the 2 the space instead for some much needed conversation.

"Eh takpelaaa, kita dah nak jalan pun. Kau tolong Naim masuk balik bilik dia okay?" Amirr mentioned to Fakhri, signaling Mia to go with him. Mia wholeheartedly agrees and follows Amirr out.

"Naim, esok2 kita datang lagi tau. Kau make sure kau jaga diri baik2 okay?" Amirr said to Naim. Naim just laughed and nodded.
"Janji tau, Naim!" Mia added while walking away.
"Ye, aku janji!" Naim says with a smile, before looking over at his brother.

"Jom?" Naim called out to Fakhri once Amirr and Mia has left. Fakhri sheepishly walked over and helped Naim out with his IV bag. They walked together to Naim's room silently.

Once they were both in the room, Fakhri helped Naim to close the door and awkwardly stood by the corner, not knowing what to do. Naim went back to his bed, but opted to sit instead of lying down, not wanting to look small in front of Fakhri.

"Duduk la, Fakhri," Naim said softly to Fakhri with a smile on his face. Fakhri walked over to the guest chair awkwardly and sat down, not wanting to make any eye contact.

"Kau okay tak?" Fakhri gets the courage to ask Naim.

"Okay je kot, sakit sikit je sini sana. Tangan pun rasa tak sedap lagi ni" Naim replied Fakhri, trying to ease the tension between them.
Fakhri just nodded and the air in the room was filled with silence yet again.

"Aku dengar dari Mama Papa, kau panggil aku abang ke? Bila aku masuk surgery?" Naim questioned. He was curious, he did not believe it despite Mama, Papa, and Mr Sin saying they heard it. His adik, the one who draws such a big line between them, the one who did not let Naim call him "Adik". How can he call Naim "Abang"?
Fakhri just looked down, seemingly shy and embarrassed. He kept silent, not knowing how to act, or what to say.

"Fakhri..?" Naim reached out again, trying to get a response.
"'Adik'" Fakhri suddenly said. Fakhri looked up at a very confused Naim and smiled.
"Panggil je 'Adik'... Betul Fakhri rayu untuk Abang hari tu.. Adik takut sangat, Adik takut kita hilang Abang pulak" Fakhri braved himself to confess, turning back into the younger Fakhri, who always relied on Naim.
Naim smiled and said "Aku ada kat sini, dik. Kau tak payah risau lagi". Fakhri looked up at his brother, with tears gradually rising in his eyes.

"Aku betul2 rindu kau tau, Fakhri. Sejak kau lari dari rumah berapa tahun dulu, aku tak pernah stop fikir pasal kau" Naim slowly opened up to Fakhri. Fakhri kept the eye contact with his brother, bracing himself for the talk and conversation that was bound to happen.
"Aku cemburu, aku betul2 jealous dekat kau, Dik. Mama Papa semua sayang kau, cari kau. Jadi bila kau lari, aku amek la kesempatan tu," Naim continued.
"Aku minta maaf sangat2 dik, aku mungkir janji kita.. Aku patut cari kau lepas tu, datang ziarah kau. Tapi aku buta dalam kehendakkan sendiri," Naim said while looking at Fakhri. Fakhri still at a loss of words, or more so, gathering his thoughts on how he should respond.

"Aku sayang kau, dik. Aku betul tak nak kehilangan kau lagi. Kau dah terlepas dari aku 3 kali, aku takkan lepaskan kau lagi. Abang betul2 mintak maaf dik, abang nak mintak maaf jugak sebab abang cakap abang nak bunuh kau," Naim said with tears in his eyes.
"Aku patut dengar kata kau hari tu, aku patut kawal emosi aku hari tu. Aku minta maaf, khri," Naim said, feeling his emotions well up, with his anxiety attack slowly kicking in.

Fakhri took in every word, looking at his brother and catching a glimpse of just how much they've grown. Fakhri saw the rise in breathing from Naim as he was talking and instinctively went up to embrace his brother, trying to calm him down.
"Aku minta maaf, dik. Aku tak sengaja cakap benda2 gitu kat kau," Naim repeatedly says in Fakhri's embrace. Fakhri assists Naim to get his breathing back by blowing onto him at intervals. Thankfully, Naim's breathing regulates and they just look at each other in silence for a moment to calm down.
But, with emotions running high for Fakhri with what Naim just confessed, Fakhri can't help but to collapse on his brother while crying as well.

It was Naim's turn to calm Fakhri down. "Aku nak kau tau Fakhri, kau bukan penghancur, kau bukan pemusnah. Kita ni masih budak2 lagi, masih tengah belajar nak membesar. Aku minta maaf, dan aku maafkan kau," Naim says to Fakhri to calm him down. Fakhri holds on to his brother, missing this sight, this scent, and having someone there to ground him.
Fakhri takes awhile to calm down, all the while Naim holds him and rubs circles on his back. Naim smiles, happy to have gotten his adik back.

Once Fakhri is calm, he says to Naim, "Adik minta maaf, pasal video yg adik main tu and kalau adik kurangajar kat abang selama ni."
"Tapi, betul la apa abang cakap time Camp Bulan Madu tu. Aku buta dengan kesakitan sendiri, aku tak faham dan tak tau yang abang, mama, papa pun susah pasal aku. Aku baru sedar, sebab Prakash yang berbual ngan aku sebelum manifesto kita. Time tu, adik pun dah takut nak hilang2 abang lagi, so adik nak tarik la manifesto tu," Fakhri continued.
"Adik pun harap abang maafkan adik pasal pukul abang sampai teruk gini," Fakhri says shyly. Naim just laughs and hugs his brother again.
"Takpe Fakhri. Semua dah settle dah. Aku sayang kau tau," Naim says to Fakhri.

Fakhri smiles and nods and just melts in the comforting hug that he's missed dearly.

"Jadi, since aku KO, kau dah Kapla la ni," Naim jokingly asks Fakhri. Fakhri just laughs sheepishly and look at Naim, "Kita stop aje la benda ni, kita hapuskan aje High Council ni".
Naim nods, giving Fakhri the encouragement. "Tengok la ape jadi dekat Ikhsan, Danial, Ayam," Fakhri goes on to say, wavering slightly at Ayam's name.
Naim realised this, holds his hands, and agrees, "Jom. Kalau ada siasatan, kita terus terang aje dengan skolah. Kita jibam sesama," Naim reassured Fakhri.

Fakhri nods and smiles.

They have more conversations following this, catching up about what they have been doing for the years they were separated. Naim lies down comfortably while Fakhri sits at the guest seat, laughing and having the time of their lives till late night.

Mama, Papa, Ayah, and Mr Sin then enters on the two happy siblings to discuss on their disciplinary act. Naim and Fakhri holds their trust on each other, and takes accountability to jibam.

Following the school investigation and the public pledge to the media to eradicate the High Council, the two siblings focused on rebuilding their friendship and brotherhood.

I'm not sure how good this is but these scenes or imagines have been in my head since I finished watching Projek High Council.

Was kinda dissatisfied that they did not even have a moment to reconcile, so here's my attempt.

The blowing in intervals to support breathing, that's what my partner does when I'm going through such attacks or breakdown. Thus, I added it in. I'm not sure though, if it's actually a way to calm anxiety attacks!

I hope ya'll like it and thanks for reading!

Reconciliation (Naim x Fakhri) ONE-SHOTOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz