Chap 1:Cutie Patootie Attack!

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(3rd Pov)

It's been half an hour since our protagonist arrived in The World Of Adventure Time or more specifically The Land Of Ooos and well...Let's say the following event was chaotic that befitting of the series premiere which Y/n isn't surprise but that doesn't mean he won't get overwhelmed by it happening continuously

As shown right now laying on the grass with snow leftover from his descend/roll from The Ice Kingdom hitting a tree point blank, which miraculously only give him a small bruise on the head and some blood leaking down as he try to lift his head up

Y/n: "(Groan) *Clutching His Head*...I don't think this"

His vision begin to fade as a small blood drip down his forehead before a familar metalic taste enter his tastebud

Y/n: "Is a dream..."

And soon his entire vision fully engulf in darkness, but before his entire vision goes black a fierce scowl flashes before his eyes then darkness finally embraced him in it arms

Timeskip Followed By Chibi Fionna And Ice Queen Have A Sissy Slap Fight While Cake Shake Her Head

What after felt like a hour but in truth just a few minute flew by we see our protagonist laying on the ground yet his hair was covered with bandage and bandage that have cute teddy bear on it he seems to be in a Poorly Made Campsite with the only proper made thing was a Fire the rest were just...Poorly made

Like Canned Food, Cracker Box are used as Makeshift Tent with small circular creature that also have rainbow color who is currently doing their own thing such as gathering Berries and Acorn, Stick and such till they all scramble as light footstep hit the grass

A figure having a rather petite body shape a short stack built essentially, the woman wear a rainbow swimsuit with pink stocking and have pink as hell hair that have a tiny cute crown on top of their head

A figure having a rather petite body shape a short stack built essentially, the woman wear a rainbow swimsuit with pink stocking and have pink as hell hair that have a tiny cute crown on top of their head

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Cute Queen, The Eviliest (Cutest) Queen Of Them All

Cute Queen: "Rejoiced my loyal subject! As i The Cute Queen have gracefully drag back a new servant whom was found in the damp and dark forest"

She exclaimed while spreading her arms out like she jesus while her loyal subject cheers, she then turn and bent down to Y/n

Cute Queen: "And a Handsome one as that, now arise and bow before your Queen!"

Y/n: "(Groan) My head...What's happen?"

Cute Queen: "Didn't you hear ? I The Cute Queen have gracefull-"

Y/n: "I already heard you, where am i..."

Cute Queen: "(Proudly) In My Kingdom Of Cuteness!"

She said proudly while huffing her chest Y/n eyes wander and see many Cute Servant running about hiding in Tree and Log one even riding a Ladybug...Which was cute to be honest

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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