Part 3

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Part 3:

As Gabrielle Delacour hurried off to tell her sister Fleur about what she had witnessed, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Fleur was known for her strong personality and protective nature, especially when it came to her family.

I turned to Edward, my heart still racing from our brief moment together. "I hope Fleur takes it well," I said, my voice filled with uncertainty. Edward gently squeezed my hand, offering me reassurance.

Just then, Fleur appeared, her expression a mixture of curiosity and concern. "What is this I hear, Gabrielle?" she asked, looking at me and Edward. "Is there something you two would like to share?"

Taking a deep breath, I mustered up the courage to speak. "Fleur, I wanted to introduce you to my boyfriend, Edward Cullen," I said, gesturing towards Edward. "We care about each other deeply, and I hope you can accept our relationship."

Fleur's eyes softened as she looked at us. She took a moment to process the information before a warm smile spread across her face. "Mon cher cousin, as long as you are happy, I am happy for you," she said, embracing me tightly. "Welcome to the family, Edward."

Relief washed over me as Fleur's acceptance filled the air. It was a moment of joy and acceptance, and I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. With Fleur's blessing, I knew that our relationship would be supported and cherished by our family.

As the day continued, Draco, Harry, Edward, and I spent the time catching up and enjoying each other's company. It was a gathering filled with love, laughter, and newfound connections. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the bonds we shared and the love that surrounded us.

And so, our family continued to grow and thrive, united by love and acceptance. As we looked towards the future, I knew that we would face challenges together, but with the support of our loved ones, we would overcome anything that came our way.

Note: This is a fictional scenario based on the characters from the Harry Potter and Twilight series.

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