2. Goodbye's and Hello's

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"Ready?" Bucky asks with a smile on his face. But it is not a convincing smile. I know he is worried. We had a long talk about it all, but not once had he told me not to do it. At the end of our conversation, he said it was up to me and that he understood. When Steve left, Bucky was the one who stayed around to make sure i was okay. He was the one that took care of me when i tried to drink the pain away... He was the one to pull me out of my downward spiral.  I will forever be grateful for that. Especially because i know that Steve leaving had not been easy on him either. 

My dad once had asked if something was going on between the two of us. But that has never been the case. He had never been Bucky's biggest fan but could see he was helping me and for that i know my dad was grateful. I dont know it he still is grateful, seeing as it led to this. 

"Yeah, i think i am ready..." I say smiling back at him and he takes my bag from me. But as he opens the back door and wants to put the bag in, he stops and looks at me... "Are you sure about this?" He asks and i sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose... "Not you to..." I sigh looking at him and he shakes his head... "Just wanted to make sure... You know i support you..." He says and puts my bag in the car. We both get in the car, and he looks at me before starting the car... "You are going to do great... They are lucky to have you..." He says and i smile... "Thanks..." I whisper and take a deep breath. 

I look out the window as Bucky starts the car and takes off... Although i am ready for a change and am kinda happy to leave i can't help but feel a little sad. This place holds so many good memories to. But the bad ones haunt me here. Some might think i am running away and maybe they are right. Still i feel like i need to do this. That is the conclusion i came to. 

After a drive of 2 hours, we arrive at the military airbase. Bucky and i identify us and he drives onto the base. I am feeling the nerves raging through my body... I am not nervous about the job. I have been training and i know i can do it. I am more nervous about the social aspect... I know i am sort of known being the daughter of Tony Stark. Dad has managed to keep the fact of what happened out of the press, so nobody knows i have the serum in me other than the people closest to me... 

Bucky parks the car in the hangar and i smile as Sam is waiting for us... "What is he doing here... I thought he was too busy...?" I say smiling at Bucky who just chuckles... "Dont ask me... With Sam you never know..." He says and i get out of the car. Sam comes over to hug me while Bucky gets my bag out of the car... "I thought you were not able to say goodbye..." I hum as Sam pulls me into a bear hug and lifts me off the ground. "You didn't think i would not come say goodbye to my favorite Stark... Now did you..." He says and i chuckle and hug him a little tighter.  

As Sam puts me down i see Captain Price approaching. "Stark! Are you ready for this?" He asks me and i nod. "Yes, sir..." I say and he chuckles... "Not so formal Stark..." He says and pats my shoulder... I chuckle and nod. I like the man. He has this calm over him and yet i think when it came to it, he would be fearless and brutal. He says hi to Sam. I guess he knows him. He then introduces himself to Bucky. 

But then it is time to leave. The plane is waiting for us as we are the last to get on. It is just a military cargo plane. I think we are its only passengers. There are some big crates and such but no other people except the flight crew. I hug Bucky and Sam one final time before following Price onto the plane. 

We sit down on some bench at the side of the plane. "Sorry, it is not as comfortable as flying private..." He says smirking at me and i roll my eyes.... "I think I'll manage... Just make sure there is sushi when we land... I dont want to compromise on food..." I say looking him deadpan in the eyes... He looks stunned for a moment and i start to laugh... "Dont worry... I might have always been spoiled but i know it will be now 5-star resort..." I say and he chuckles... 

Ghost of my past, Ghost of my future. (I am not the girl you left anymore.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن