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──────═❀═──────『 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑  𝟏𝟐 』──═❀═──━『 Proctor 』

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『 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑  𝟏𝟐 』
━『 Proctor

Shikamaru voiced his thoughts, his tone reflecting his trademark laziness. "Why do things have to be such a drag?"

Kabuto elaborated further, his tone laced with knowledge and insight. "Without such measures, the weaker nations would quickly fall prey to the ambitions of the stronger ones, risking domination and control. Mutual supervision serves to prevent such imbalances and ensure stability."

Sasuke's inquiry cut through the conversation, his eyes fixed on the stack of cards. "What about those cards? Do they contain detailed individual information?"

"Yes, they do," Kabuto smirked. "Are there any specific individuals you're concerned about? While these cards may not contain exhaustive information, I've compiled dossiers for the current pool of applicants, including your team. If you provide any details you have on the person of interest, I can cross-reference and provide whatever intel I've gathered."

Sasuke's tone was tinged with impatience as he named the individuals, his determination evident. "Gaara from Sunagakure, hidden in the sand, and Rock Lee from Konoha."

"Ah, you know their names? Excellent," Kabuto responded enthusiastically.

Glancing at Naruto on my left, I could sense his confusion. Despite his attempts to keep up, he seemed completely lost amidst the conversation.

Sasuke demanded, "Let me see them."

Kabuto started with Rock Lee. "He's one year older than you guys. His mission experience, twenty D-ranks and eleven C-ranks. His squad leader, Might Guy. In just this year his taijutsu has drastically improved, but his other skills are not good at all. Last year, he'd attracted attention as a Genin rookie with his ability but didn't participate in the Chunin Exam."

"This is his first time taking the exams, same as you guys. Tenten and Hyuga Neji are on his team. Next, Gaara. His mission experience, eight C ranks. B ranks are one, wow, as a Genin. He's a Shinobi from a different land and is a rookie. So there is no further information but it seems he has returned from all of his missions uninjured."

Sasuke's demeanour shifted imperceptibly at the mention of Gaara and Rock Lee, hinting at a deeper intrigue.

Kabuto carried on, "Konoha, Suna, Ame, Kusa, Taki, Oto... This year, every hidden village has sent outstanding Junior Level Genin here to compete. I must confess, I lack detailed intelligence on Oto, the Village Hidden in Sound. It's a part of a newly established, smaller nation, so information about it is scarce. However, every other participating village boasts a reputation for producing formidable shinobi."

"I'm beginning to feel like the odd one out," I remarked wryly. "Being compared to such esteemed and powerful opponents certainly puts things into perspective."

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