But when he looked down at the paper, a sense of familiarity hit him hard.

"Choi... Beomgyu..." He whispered underneath his breath reading out the bolded words on the paper, his heart began tingling as he did, as if it was trying to tell him something.

Taehyun couldn't help but stare at the picture, admiring how handsome the male was. Even though he could barely remember what happened the night before, there was a gut feeling inside of that screamed he knew the male.

"Are you ready to go, Mr. Taehyun-ssi?"

"S-Sorry!" Taehyun exclaimed a bit too loudly, shaking his head as he brought himself back to reality. "Y-Yes, I'm ready, let's go."

The male said goodbye to Yeonjun and Huening Kai for a quick second before following Wonyoung out to the lobby. An anxious yet exciting feeling grew inside of him the closer they got, even though he was purely excited to see Soobin again, he wasn't exactly sure why he felt so... scared... seeing Beomgyu.

I'm so certain that he's the one that helped me get away from those creepy guys last night. Taehyun's eyebrows began to furrow as he held the side of his head that began to tingle in pain. Why can't I remember anything last night? It's all a blur, up until the moment he... found me... it's all a blur from there.

Why can't I... remember anything...?

Taehyun was honestly so grateful that he had gotten one night of proper rest, but apparently that came with a price, that being his memories from the night before. He couldn't remember anything that happened right after he ran into those two men. It was like it was all a strange blur, as if it were a dream, not reality.

A tingly sensation formed around his finger, causing him to bring his hand away from his head as he looked down at it, his whole ring finger tingling in an odd sensation.

Am I going crazy...?

Maybe it was because he was staring at the beautiful ring for a bit too long, but he was certain that it glowed just for a few seconds, which made him lowkey freak out and place his hand down before he thought too much into it.

As the two of them came closer to the lobby, that strange sensation never once faded, instead it became more and more unbearable and even uncomfortable for Taehyun, but he decided to keep silent so he doesn't worry anyone.

Just as they turned the corner, two figures that were familiar to him appeared, both of them immediately looking over at him as he entered the room.

In that moment, he felt absolutely breathless.

As if time itself had slowed down just for him, his footsteps were slow and steady, his heartbeat increasing as his breathing began to become uneasy. That wave of scattered emotions hit him right away with no sudden warning.

As if he had fallen into a trance, he made eye contact with the brown haired male who had saved him the night before, both of their eyes widening as they saw each other.

That's when all of the scattered blurred memories in his mind finally began to clear up, everything that had happened the night before finally coming back to him when the two of them stared at each other.

Taehyun's heart began to beat in an unexplainable way, as if it were purely happy to see the brown haired beauty again.

He's even more beautiful in the sunlight.

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