Chapter 2 - Q&A

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Chapter 2 – Q&A

AN – This story is dedicated to all who continue to be so encouraging of my writing and asked for something new from me - THANK YOU! I hope it will be a fun summer for us and I hope all will feel free to share ideas, suggestions and guesses as I love feedback and often work reader suggestions into my stories! BTW, my plan is for weekly updates so I can complete this before S4 starts.

DISCLAIMER – Still no ownership but still gonna play!


"I've learned another Lesson lately Thea." Roy met her eyes as he grinned.

"Another lesson? Okay, I'll bite. What lesson have you learned Roy?" Thea still didn't understand but she was willing to give him a chance to explain. As his smile widened though she had to wonder if he would give a serious answer or just continue to tease her.

"Riding off into the sunset for happily ever after can get pretty boring."


Thea wasn't sure what to make of Roy's lesson or his smile. Rolling her eyes before she looked away, she moved to grab her stuff just as Roy spoke again.

"Have you seen anyone new around?" Roy asked as subtly as he could. Felicity had mentioned reports of a new vigilante and he was curious. Diggle and Felicity had both urged caution when they mentioned some new bad guys too. When Thea spun back around and glared though he had to wonder if he had been subtle enough.

"You drop in unexpectedly, avoid my questions and now think that you have the right to question me?! Roy, you've told me nothing about why you are here, what's going on, if Oliver is coming back - you've shared nothing!" Thea knew it hadn't been a casual inquiry which meant Roy was again hiding things from her. She actually had heard rumblings on the street but she hadn't had time to research all the rumors especially with Laurel out. She did know that things had gotten even stranger in Starling City in the last month though. Thea also knew that she wanted to have help, Roy's help, but only if they were equal partners.

Roy watched as Thea threw her bag down and then crossed her arms over her chest as she continued to glare at him. With a shrug, he moved on to Plan B.

"So you answer my question and I'll answer one for you. That fair enough?" Unable to resist teasing Thea, Roy grinned as her eyes narrowed. As he suspected though her curiosity was just too great.

"There have been rumors about a woman in white running around at night but that's all." Thea paused as she wasn't sure why she felt the need to keep her answers vague. She had seen the woman in white and even from a distance there had been something familiar about her. Shaking off the memory she spoke again in hopes of distracting herself and Roy.

"The guys tonight were definitely new...and a new millionaire is trying to run the city too. His tech company is D2, I think. I don't really know but I think he's planning to run for Mayor or something."

"Running for Mayor? What's his name? Do you—" Roy spoke immediately but Thea was quick to interrupt.

"My turn." Thea spoke forcefully and took a moment to stare directly at Roy before she continued. "Why did you return tonight and how did you find me?"

"That's two questions Thea." Roy smirked.

"They're related though." Thea persisted. She didn't expect him to answer with the whole truth so she wanted to ask as much as she could.

"Felicity and Oliver asked me to come back as they knew Laurel was down. I was just doing recon when I saw the activity in the alley and your flight. It wasn't hard to figure out the best place to meet you." It hadn't been quite that simple but Roy knew that was more of the truth than he should probably share. He had always had problems telling Thea no so his game of questions was dangerous. With another cocky grin, he asked his next question anyway.

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