Chapter 1- The Beginning

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I wake up with a sudden fright of a nightmare chills running down my spine. I get dressed and reach my my katanas. I walk out of my camp alone and deserted. I pack up and head north next to the river banks. I am alone with my thoughts. You may be thinking this is quite subtle right. Wrong you can never think this about my world. Let me start from the beginning.

My name is Trixie Guivera. Currently 16 years of age and a broken soul. 5 years ago I would've never even thought of living as an outcast roaming around alone. But then again 5 years ago I wouldn't be an orphan.

My parents and I were happy with simple life waiting for when I enter sixth grade as 11 years old. God, I was so innocent back then too soft for what was to come. My parents were space engineers who were very famous for their work. One day Earth finally discovered other life. We were now knowing that we are never to alone in this universe ever again. I wanted to be just like them and study this subject. They were however chosen to accompany a team of researchers to go out and collect data. I will never forget the day they set foot off of planet Earth never to return.


"It's ok pumpkin we'll only be gone for 5 months", my mom comforted me. "Yeah, sweetie just think of all the things we'll do together when we get back", my dad continues. "Ok, but promise to come back and go star gazing?", I asked hopefully. "We promise", they said in unison. "See you on the other side guys", I eagerly said.

End of flashback

They broke that promise when their spacecraft was declared missing from Mission Control. I cried out for my parents in vain. Earth has sent out search party after search party only to lose another search crew to some technical failure on board ultimately leading to their demise. Countless were drafted to go and countless became orphans. Including me the first. Crime rates went up, businesses shut down, The whole world began to stop. Then the war started after one year of everything. People were angry, and people demanded answers that couldn't be given so they resorted to violence. I was twelve when I was drafted to go to war. Something a kid shouldn't have to hear. Most of the world's population was now kids so it was kids going up against kids forced to fight on the battlefield.

The war ended with an uneasy treaty after 3 years of battle. I came back traumatized and a war vigilante. Every fight I volunteered for someone else so they can see another day without trauma. Someone's gotta look out for the underdogs right? I was dead inside so I continue to wander the Earth looking for somewhere I can rest and lay my armor down. For a whole year I've searched for this great place. Not nearly ever finding it. Maybe this time will be the exception.

Hey the author here I hope I made this an interesting hook on this story. I dont want it to sound to edgy but still mysterious. Updates will come whenever I can make it. I hope people like it. Also haters you can go heck yourselves. Find something better to do than to waste your time judging others. Thanks.
Your very much of a weirdo author
P.S. #Sheabaddie

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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