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"You ready to go, partner?"

Though he planned to throw up to disgust you, he got a little too weak in the knees and toppled over like a shaky jenga tower, figuring it'd be a better way to go out compared to being strangled.

Strangely enough, he didn't make contact with the ground, instead feeling a hand on the back of his head and his lower back.
"Are you okay?! What happened? Did you skip breakfast or something?"

He managed to stand up,
"N-no, just nervous is all..."

You tilted your head,

He paused for a moment realizing he'd talked himself into a corner. No sweat! All he had to do was skillfully craft a convincing excuse, easy peasy!

"Because I hit you with my bike yesterday,"


Mentally, Hinata said goodbye to his life.

He had a good fifteen years.

"Oh right, I'd almost forgotten,"
You spoke, making Hinata regret ever opening his mouth.

"It's all water under the bridge, I'm sure it wasn't on purpose,"
You said with a laugh, patting Hinata on the back a little too hard.

All he could do was chuckle nervously, not too certain whether or not you were lying. He decided to be optimistic and hoped that you'd forgiven him, standing with you in line for the bus.

"Hey (y/n), why don't you join our group~"
A girl standing behind you asked, her friend giggling bashfully.

You gave her an apologetic smile,
"Sorry, but I don't think they'd allow a three person group, let alone one with two girls and one boy,"

"Yeah, a very good reason~"
The girls continued with their giggling, happy they'd talked to you.

What the hell was that all about?! Suddenly Hinata's fear had been replaced with the usual disdain for you and your popularity, with him slightly scowling at you while you walked in line.

Kageyama watched from another line at the whole ordeal, noticing how everytime you looked at Hinata, his frown was replaced by a flustered expression, going right back to a scowl when you looked away.

That boy was very confusing.

Eventually you got on the bus, though you stopped Hinata before he could sit down.

"Why'd you stop me?"
Hinata asked, just wanting to get things over with quickly.

"Yachi told me you have stomach problems. Do you want the aisle seat? I feel like it'd be a bit better for you,"

The genuine concern in your voice almost made the boy's heart skip a beat, with him beginning to understand how you became popular so quickly.

He couldn't help the crack in his voice,

All you did was smile at him before sitting down, with him sitting next to you right after.

It took a while for the bus to actually start, with all of the advisors and teachers who were tagging along wanting to make sure all of the students knew the ground rules and what they were really getting into.

Soon enough the bus began to drive off, and Hinata found that he was strangely tired. Maybe he'd just rest his eyes for a little bit, just a little bit.


"Hinata... Hinata... Hinata, we're here!"
A voice called out to the short boy, his eyes fluttered open, and he wasn't quite sure just where he was.

Last thing he remembered, he was on the bus and...

Did he fall asleep?!

Then he realized something else.

His head rested on your shoulder comfortably, well at least for him it was comfortable, but in any case, that wasn't the point. Just how long had his head been there?! Did anyone see?

He immediately stood up,
"Are we there?"
He asked, trying to forget how he used you as a human pillow.

"Yeah, we're here. You think you can carry all your stuff or do you want me to do it?"

He shook his head,
"I think I can handle it,"

There was no way he'd let you show off your strength in front of everything, even if it would be a big help.

It was nice stepping out of the bus and breathing in the nice clean air of the outdoors. It was a little past lunchtime, and everyone would have to remain hungry until dinner, with the teachers promising a large feast to make up for it.

"Here's where we'll set up our tent. You read the instructions they gave us last week, right?"

He looked at you with a blank expression,

It was very bold of you to assume he'd looked at the instructions, let alone read.

"I'll take that as a no. That's alright though, I think I've got it down,"

You got to work quickly, setting out a tarp on the ground where you'd put your tent, then taking the actual tent out of its packaging, getting it ready for set up.

Hinata honestly felt pretty useless just standing there while you set up the tent, but it was better he did nothing than try, he probably would've just caused more trouble, and you were the last person he wanted to annoy.

"There! We should be all good to go now. Wanna check out the inside?"

You finished it a lot quicker than Hinata expected, and he excitedly entered the tent, surprised at how spacious it actually was.

"Neat, right?"

Hinata let out a yelp, not expecting you to be so close to him.

"S-sure is!"

He quickly left the tent, taking a deep breath before sort of calming down. It would just be two nights. Two nights is all he had to survive through, that was it!

"I'm gonna do a little more set up with the tent, you can go find your other friends if you like. That dark haired guy you hang out with... Kageyama I think? His tent's two tents down the left,"
You told him from inside the tent.

He quickly thanked you before running off, wanting to get away from you as quickly as possible, eager to give his fellow volleyball player a debrief of the events that had led up to now.

Of course he'd exaggerate a little.


He doesnt like you but youre too good looking and amazing for him not to get flustered probably

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