Part 1: INTRO

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To start off, here are our characters

To start off, here are our characters

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This is stuff about you.
Y/n= Your name
Last name: Ackerman
Year: 2
Classmates: I'm too lazy to name them so the dead members of Squad Levi
Siblings?: Yes
Who: Levi
Y/n is the complete opposite of her brother, never caring about cleaning her personal space. But when she enters the Scout Regiment room, she gets into(ODM) gear. Often sides with Hange to piss off Levi.
(This fanfic is based off the manga, so some things may seem a bit different.)

Attack Junior High has a variety of clubs, both for humans and titans. Entering a club is mandatory, but the suspects from class 1-4 have not yet submitted their applicatons, and have to stay after.

"I have to go to a staff meeting, but I'll be back. And by the time I'm back, I want your applicatons to be here!"
Sasha: If they force us to enter a club, you'd think they'd have something good out there...
Jean: Right! I don't think it's fine to let the entire school distrust us because of that one incident...
Eren: If there was a club to wipe out titans, I would join in a second...
Sasha: You're thinking that again, Eren?
Jean: Y'know, if that club really existed, it would be perfect for us. But there's no way there would be something-
Reiner: So you thought that too?
Eren: Hey, what do you mean?!
Reiner: Well, there was a club dedicated to destroying titans, and it was said that two of the members of that club were known as the strongest humans alive.

(Going to the Scout Regiment)

So this is the club house...

Reiner: I never realised that they'd be so upfront about it.
Bertolt: This was Supposed to be a secret club...
Jean: These signs look like they were made by a kid...
Sasha: I hope they're not younger than us...
Eren: What do you guys mean?! The strongest humans alive are in this club, right?! The school must be afraid of them, and that's why they leave this club alone! We should be prepared! We don't know what's gonna happen to us! I'll be the first inside, then...

Y/n pov!!!

Tch. People are making a racket outside... Hey Oulo.
Oulo: What?
Go check out that racket. I bet it's the school, come to catch us.
Oulo goes to open the door.

Oulo: Who the hell are you guys?..
Eren: Uh... Is this the right room? This is the club for exterminating titans, right?
Oulo: No, you can't have heard of us... It's impossible. Not even the school knows about us, nor students.
Jean: Uh, you just told us....
Eren: I came because I wanted to join the Scout Regiment! Please let us in!
Oulo: What are you saying?! Super-secret organizations don't let people in just because they knock-

He bites his tongue.

Petra: W-what happened to him?! Did the school send an assassin to remove our club?!
Gunter: This is it... We're done for!
Eld: Cutting off his tongue... I'll get you, you damn assassin!!
Eren: Uh... the door just closed on him and he bit his own tongue.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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