The first contact

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After a couple of weeks, Hermione noticed that Harry also knew a lot of people she knew. Of course, this wasn't much of a miracle, since she was used to talking a lot to the older students, and they belonged to the same house. But still, it was shocking to know.

Once, she was talking to Luna, and she saw Harry walk by and wave at her. Her heart skipped a beat. The wave wasn't even directed at her.

She needed to get a hold of herself.

Once he walked away, Hermione turned to Luna. "I didn't know you knew Harry!" Her tone sounded way too enthusiastic. She tried to tone it down. "How did you two meet?"

"We were in the same carriage once after getting off the Express," Luna shrugged. "Just small talk though, I don't know him much. Why? Do you know him?"

"Um, no, not really...and actually, I have a LOT of work to get through, so see you later Luna!" Hermione smiled and turned around.

What Luna did not know was that Hermione actually finished all of her work three hours earlier.

Hermione really wanted to talk to Harry, because he seemed like a great person, and after a while of casually observing (stalking), she noticed that they had a lot of similar interests. They both enjoyed reading, since she saw him more than once reading books not at all related to subjects at Hogwarts. She also knew he liked cats, because she saw one cat pin on his bag. Most importantly, she knew that Harry was from a muggle family.

Of course, being from a muggle family did not really mean anything, but it was something of interest. Most at Hogwarts came from Wizarding families, so it was hard to talk to people about past memories or funny stories when it took up a lot of time to explain context and how things worked in the normal world.

There was no way for Hermione to initiate contact with Harry. Not without seeming weird at least.


Then, a week after the Halloween feast, while Hermione studied for a Transfiguration paper due at the end of the weekend, she noticed Harry getting up and leaving. As he got up from the chair, a piece of parchment fell to the floor, folded and sealed with wax.

Harry was too far to be able to call without shouting, and talking even at a normal level was basically a crime in the Hogwarts library. Maybe he would come back for it?

An hour later, Hermione finished studying, and after contemplating, she decided to pick up the parchment. She would have to find a way to get the paper back to him. It shouldn't be that hard, they were in the same House anyway, and it was also too late for him to be anywhere except the common room.


After about thirty minutes of walking around the hallways and checking the common room three times, Harry was nowhere to be found. Either he was sleeping or he had disapparated from the castle. As we all know, however, apparating in Hogwarts isn't possible. Maybe more people would know if they ever read Hogwarts: A History.

Hermione didn't own an owl, so her only choice was to walk all the way to the Owlery and pay one to find Harry. It wouldn't cost much anyway, being that Harry was literally in the castle. She decided to add a note.


You dropped this parchment in the library, and I couldn't find you after you left, so I decided to just send it by owl. Hope it wasn't too important or caused you any panic.

Sincerely, Hermione Granger

She hoped she didn't come across as weird or creepy, and paid the owl a sickle. Hermione figured that would pretty much be the end of any interaction possible, and was content that Harry could at least get his paper back.

There was a rattling sound on her window.

It was really quite disturbing when she was trying to get some sleep on the weekend. She dragged her covers off of herself and opened the window, barely managing to register the owl that perched itself on her bed stand.


It was the same owl that she had sent to Harry, except it had a new piece of parchment attached. Hermione nearly ripped the paper trying to get it off the owl's leg with her shaky hand.

Dear Hermione,

Thank you very much for returning this piece of parchment to the owner. I did worry a little bit about where I dropped the paper, and completely I forgot I was in the library. For someone who's in there so often, you'd think that's the first place I go back to check.

Also, thank you for not being a snoop and deciding to open the parchment. People have no sense of privacy these days. Especially with being the Boy-Who-Lived, or the Chosen One.

Anyway, thank you. Hope you have a great weekend.

Sincerely, Harry.

Hermione felt her heart skip a beat, and a smile dawned on her face as she finished reading the letter. He was actually more polite than she thought he would be, and more down to earth than a lot of seventh years.

She decided on writing back later, because right now sleep was very important, and so was finishing her Transfiguration essay once she woke up.



not me actually being consistent with this

love you all meow <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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