"Charlie, my love, calm down. Its 9 in the morning." Vaggie put a comforting shoulder on Charlie's shoulder, intending to relax her from her excitment.

"Charlie? What's goin' on?" Angel called out not looking up from his phone, seemingly uninterested in the commotion.

"Angie! I missed you! Here i brought you a latte."

"Huh? Cutie! I missed ya too you silly rabbit! Ooh, is it caramel?"

"Yup, your favourite!"

"Satan, you know me so well!"

You giggled as Angel eagerly chugged his coffee, before pulling you into a tight embrace. You sighed into his touch, ears twitching pleasedly, as he scratched your head.

"Cutie, what are ya doin' here? Dontcha know how dangerous it is outside right now? Didntcha watch the news?"

Your eyes widened and you glanced up at him. "Why? Is something goin' on? Mr Vox doesn't let me watch the news, he says he'll tell me everything i need to know..."

Angel let out a string of curses and grumbled. "Course that fucking manipulative asshole controls all the information that gets to ya. The extermination, babes. Its comin' in 6 months now, not a year. Everyone's freaking out."

You gasped, a hand shooting up to cover your mouth in shock. "W-what? But that's awful!"

"Yeah, but we got a more immediate problem on our hands. You feelin' okay, cutie?" Angel picked you up with a set of arms and turned you around to inspect you, as if looking for something.

"W-what do you mean, Angie?"

With a sigh, he grabbed your cotton tail, causing you to whimper loudly, tears forming in your eyes.

"You're really fucking sensitive, cutie. Your heat's about to start, i can smell it on you." Angel sniffs the air for dramatic effect, causing you to giggle.

"But i should still have at least a week left?"

Angel put you down with a sigh, and glanced out the nearest window. "Cutie, there's literally like, 15 sinners out there waiting for you to come out. What, didja collect 'em like fucking pokemon?" The both of you start laughing, as you collapse into Angel's chest fluff, legs weak from giggling.

Angel lowered a hand down whilst your giggles were muffled in his chest, touching your panties to discover the sopping wetness between your legs as you shivered at his gentle touch. You moaned softly, gripping his biceps as he inspected your slick.

"Yup. Babes, its like the heavens have literally opened up between your legs." He chuckled at his own phrasing, scooping you up in his long arms. "We gotta get you home to Vox before it fully sets in"

"M-mr Vox isn't here, Angie. H-he's in the Greed Ring on business."

Angel cursed loudly, drawing the attention of the other in the hotel.

"Angel? What's wrong?" Charlie inquired curiously.

"Little bunny here's about to start her heat, but daddy Vox ain't here to help her through it. So I'm gonna hafta help her, cause there ain't no fuckin way i'm handin her over to Val"

"S-sorry Angie, i guess you're stuck with me until Mr Vox is back.." you trail off, your arousal growing steadily as your sight becomes hazy.

"Sorry Charlie, can she stay with me a while? I can't leave her like this."

"U-uh of course Angel!" Charlie blushes at the implication, but eager to help. "Y-you can be excused from activities until she can get back to Vox!"

Angel scooped you up, preparing to take you to his room when he was stopped by the sound of Husk's gruff voice.

"Whatcha say, Whiskers? I can't fuckin hear ya from here!"

Husk groaned, annoyed at having to repeat himself. "I said, Alastor ain't gonna be fuckin happy about this."

A figure emerged from the shadows, his grin tighter and more strained than usual.

"i thought i smelt rabbit! Has our dear bunny found herself in trouble, hm?" His teasing tone was lost on the crowd, you soft pants and whimpers permeating the otherwise silent room.

"I see, well im afraid i cannot allow this, my dear. You see, you associate with the television, and i cannot allow that sort of business in this hotel, understand?" The static in his voice grows thick, his irritation audible, but you struggle to understand anything, everythung buried in a hazy fog of lust and need.

"C'mon, Al, cut her some slack. The poor bunny's in heat and needs help."

"Hm, no can do, my effeminate fellow! Off she goes!" His grin is so stretched it bares his gums, as his jaw clenches, seemingly holding back from something.

"Satan, you are such a fuckin ass! Promise me you'll at least get her to Val safely, you fucker! I ain't strong enough to get both of us through that carnage while her stench literally screams sex. "

"Hm, i suppose that i can do." Alastor takes you from Angel's arms, carrying you bridal style as the both of you returned to the shadows.

"Cutie! Don't hesitate to call! I'll come help if ya need me babes!"

You vaguely recognise Angel's voice through the fog, distracted by the intoxicating scent enveloping you. Grabbing on to Alastor's chest, you bury your head in his neck, sniffing him deeply, inhaling his musky scent, the pheromones making your head spin as you whine in pleasure.

You can make out Alastor muttering curses under his breath, his smile straining as his grip on you tightened.

"My darling, you smell truly delectable, i can barely contain myself. I wonder how you would taste..."

You whine and grab at him, craving contact, attention, to be touched. The ache between your legs was growing painful, your slick coating your thigh and soaking through your panties.

"A-Al, p-please h-help me~" you plead with him, begging to be touched, to be bred. His grip continues to tighten, bordering painful, until his resolves finally snapped.

Pinning you against the nearest wall, his sharp and yellowed teeth attacked you neck, biting harshly and licking the wounds, eager to draw blood, to taste you. Lapping up the blood beading from his teeth marks, Alastor groaned at the taste, the intoxicating taste of bunny blood. Rabbit meat was rare in hell, and hard to come by, but had always been a personal favourite of the cannibal.

"Fuck, my darling, you truly are delicious. I could just eat you up right now." He chuckled darkly at your pained whimpers and terrified whines, continuing to suck bruises onto your flesh, leaving love bites and hickies, marking his territory before handing you over to Valentino as promised.

"If only you scent wasn't plagued by the stench of that television, perhaps i would keep you all to myself this time. Oh well, perhaps next time my darling. Until we meet again."

And with that, Alastor disappeared, leaving you collapsed on the floor in front of Valentino's appartment.

With gentle whine and moan, you dragged yourself on shaky legs to the door, knocking and scratching on it until you received an answer.

"Who the fuck is there, hm? I'm fuckin' off the clock, don't bother me putas!" Val yanked the door open looking left and right before dropping his eyes to you, his grin widening.

"Awh, my poor little coñejita~ what's happened, bebé?" Val cooed at you, blowing thick red smoke in your face as you tried to formulate a response through the haze and confusion.

"M-mr Val, i-i need help. M-mr Vox i-is gone, a-and my h-heat s-started. P-please h-help me, s-sir..." you started to tear up out of discomfort, the intense desire probing too kich for you to handle as you made grabby hands to Val, who just cooed and scooped you up, closing the door behind you both.

Val chuckled darkly, his eyes narrowing."Don't worry your pretty little head, bebé. I'll make sure you're well taken care of, hm~"

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