Chapter 18 - First gig

Start from the beginning

He opens the door and slides across to the middle seat, I get in after him onto the 3rd seat. Benefits of a van more people fit upfront.
"Hi delilah." his dad smiles, I've met Gavin like twice now after being round josh's.
"Hey Delilah!" Ryan, Eli and Rob say from the row of seats at the back.
"You guys are so far away hah." I laugh.
"You raring to go then?" Gavin asks.
"Bit nervy but yeah excited, are you watching?"
"Of course got to see my kiddos play."
"Hopefully we get a bit further than the machines" Josh jokes.
"That was my band when I was what 18, me and my mates, that was the life."
"Yeah until everyone got so high they wouldn't ley you onstage isn't that what happened?" Josh asks.
"Well yeah a few edibles were fun but once Marty got on the coke or was it ket? I don't know but it went downhill from there, don't you get into the bad drugs you lot!" Gavin says
"What was that Gav?" Rob asks.
"I said don't get into the hardcore drugs."
"Don't worry Gav we wont!" Eli says laughing.
"Some booze and cigs is all you really need, not drugs okay."
"Wow thanks dad you know I was really looking forward to getting stoned for the first gig" Josh says sarcastically.

A few minutes before we arrive it starts pouring with rain. Typical Irish weather.
"God sake." Gavin complains.
"We'll have to be quick running in." I say.
"Yeah grab the guitars and dash." Josh responds.
"Atleast you avent got to carry a drum kit in." Gavin shouts to the back.
"Yeah thank god." says Ryan.
"Alright i'll pull up and you guys run in, I'll go get a parking spot and then see you all on stage in a bit!"
He drives onto the curb and we open the door to rush out through the downpour.
"Cheers dad." Josh replies.
"Yeah thanks Gav." We all say.
"Its alright go on you lot!" He laughs.

We all run through the rain, I pull my jacket over me to stop my hair and make up getting wrecked. Eli bashes on the back door. We wait a few moments huddling our bodies close together, trying to shelter under the tiny door ledge.
"Ffs its freezing." Rob grumbles moving his legs back and forth.
"Cmon its pissing it down." Ryan complains.
The door creaks open and a tall dark guy with tattoos who looks about 30 stands there.
"You lot playing?"
"Come in." He says.
"So you lot must be.." he mumbles reading off a clipboard.
"Inhaler." I say.
He looks up, probably just noticing I was stood behind josh.
"Cool erm your in dressing room number 3, just down the corridor on the right and we'll come and check your all good 15 minutes before your on."
"Okay cheers..?" Eli asks his name.
"Flynn." He gives us a nod and a small smile.

We walk through the dim lit corridor, it smells of smoke and the carpets are marron and swirly patterned.
"Here we are." Rob says opening the door, the rooms small with yellowy walls, a few chairs and a mirror. The mirror has the little circlar lights around it.

"Sick a hollywood mirror." I say.
"Oh cool it's cuz we're proper celebs you know Lila." Eli smile.
"Of course."
"So lets just get tuned up I guess." Josh says.
"I printed out the set lists here, not that we can forget at this point." Ryan says giving us one each from his bag.
"Thanks." I say.
"And I brought some booze." Rob gets out a hip flask and stakes a swig from it.
"Oh pass it round." Josh says taking a swig.
We all drink out the flask. "Should get us warmed up."
"You know im feeling less nervous already." Eli jokes.

After about 10 minutes we hear a faint noise of music coming from outside the room.
"One of the other bands must have started. "
"Not long now. "I say.
"Do you think we'll meet them after?" Josh questions.
"If they stick around I guess." Ryan comments.
"I might go find the bathroom, anyone else?" I ask.
"I'll go." Rob says.
"Okie." I open the door and we start wandering in the other direction of the corridors entrance.
"This is spooky." I say.
"Rahah" Rob does some evil witch laugh and tickles me from behind.
"ahah stop!" I giggle turning around so im walking backwards.
"Not going to find the loo facing me Lils." Rob smirks. 
"Yeah well your better to look at." I grin, he smiles then pins me against the wall and make out. One hand on the wall the other hand trails up my waist sending butterflies into my stomach. Then we hear a door open and the sound of voices, he grabs my arm and pulls me around the corner, we both try and contain our laughter.

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