Jeonghan slammed the table standing up.

"E-Eh? Where are you going?" Seungcheol panicked standing up himself as he watched Jeonghan walk towards him. "A-Are you upset? I know it's a lot to ask for and I'm not forcing you to—"

Jeonghan reached his hand out and took Seungcheol into his embrace caressing his back. "It's okay, I'll be there. You don't need to explain anything anymore. Just tell me when and where. I'll be there."

Seungcheol wanted to cry in Jeonghan's love.

"Remember, no words can change the fact that you've been giving it your all or Chan, okay? You'll be fine." Jeonghan pulled away patting his shoulders.

"Thank you." Seungcheol smiled.

And immediately they both froze at the sound of solemn music.

"Hm?" Jeonghan looked to his side to see the waitress turning several of the speakers on fro greater effect.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol looked at each other.

And burst into laughter.

"What the heck?! Hahaha!"


They even provided background music for the moment. Talk about excellent customer service!" Jeonghan wiped his tears off.

"Yeah, remind me to give her a generous tip later. She even picked a song that I love."

"Right? Well, your best friend made fun of that song earlier. He called it a cursed prom song teenagers dance to only break up a week later."

"Hahaha! Only because it happened to him a few too many times."

"I would prove him wrong right here and now if it weren't for my damn foot." Jeonghan flirted.

"What do you mean?" Seungcheol blushed.

"Nothing. Just wondering if you know how to dance."

"Let's just say we'll have three left feet and one broken right off in total for us combined." Seungcheol chuckled.

"Ha! The Joke's on you, the broken one is also a left... Heh! Sounds like a fun time. Painful too." Jeonghan leaned back on the table.

"True should we put it on the bucket list?" Seungcheol asked leaning on the same table beside Jeonghan.

"Yeah, put it just below cooking lessons and taking over the world."

"Mhmm~" Seungcheol's eyes traveled down to their hands that were close... Very close... He moved his hand slowly wanting to intertwine them with Jeonghan's.

"Hey, the food is getting cold! We're forgetting what we came here for!" Jeonghan moved away from the table not noticing Seungcheol's actions.

"Ah! Y-Yeah!" Seungcheol was a blushing mess. "Let's get back to that!"

"Do you want dessert?"

"Sure, choose one for me."

"Let's try all the parfait flavors!"

"Fine by me as long as you're paying!"




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 1103



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