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The next morning, Layth awoke to the gentle rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains of his childhood bedroom. The room felt smaller than he remembered, filled with remnants of his past-a shelf lined with trophies and medals, posters of his favorite drawings which he made in the kindergarten school adorning the walls, and the familiar creak of the floorboards underfoot.

As Layth made his way downstairs, the comforting smell of his mother's cooking greeted him. He found his parents already gathered in the kitchen, the table set with steaming bowls of oatmeal and plates of freshly sliced fruit.

"Good morning, Layth," Her mother said, her smile warm and welcoming. "Did you sleep well?"

Layth returned her smile, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. "I did, thank you, Ami," he replied, taking a seat at the table.

His father poured Layth a cup of chai and sat down beside him. "We're so glad you're home, son," he said, his voice filled with pride. "It's been too long."

Layth nodded, his heart swelling with gratitude. "It's good to be home, Abu," he said, savoring the familiar taste of home-cooked breakfast.

As they ate, Layth's thoughts drifted back to his childhood-the lazy summer days spent playing in the backyard, the family dinners around the dining table, the late-night conversations with his parents that stretched long into the night.

But amidst the nostalgia, Layth couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. There were memories here, memories that he had buried deep within himself, memories that he wasn't sure he was ready to confront.

After breakfast, Layth decided to take a walk around the neighborhood, hoping to clear his mind and sort through his thoughts. The streets were quiet, the morning sun casting long shadows across the pavement. Layth wandered aimlessly, lost in his own thoughts, until he found himself standing in front of his old high school.

The sight of the imposing brick building brought back a flood of memories-memories of long days spent in classrooms, the boring lectures, the break time, the friendships that now forged in the hallways, of dreams and aspirations that had once filled his heart.

But as Layth stood there, a sense of sadness washed over him. He remembered the challenges he had faced, the doubts and insecurities that had plagued him, the mistakes he had made along the way.

And then, as he was about to move ahead, he saw a girl picking her things up, everything was shattered on the ground. He moved ahead to help her saying "Excuse me, may I help you? If you need. The girl said no it's ok thank you, but she did not look up. Layth said "ok". He was about to move, but the voice of the girl saying "You didn't helped me though, but thank you for asking".

While moving his back posture from the girl's face he said "My pleasu" He stopped after seeing the face of the girl.
He asked in shocking tone "Maira?" Is it you?

While Maira's face was straight, but after listening him saying her name she was a bit shocked. "What how do you know my name?"

Layth's smile got shorter after hearing this but he said "I am Layth Maira, how couldn't I know your name?"

Her heart skipped a beat, while all the childhood memories flushed through her.

Memories flooded back, memories of lazy summer days spent exploring the neighborhood, of late-night conversations under the stars, of stolen glances and secret smiles.

"Maira," Layth breathed, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's been so long."

Maira smiled, a twinkle in her eye. "It has," she agreed. "But some things never change, do they?"

Then they both took conversation between them how was the years he spent in abroad?

As Layth looked into Maira's eyes, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. Despite the passage of time, despite the challenges they had faced, some things remained constant, some bonds were too strong to be broken.

And as they stood there, lost in their own little world, Layth felt a flicker of hope ignite within him. Perhaps coming home wasn't just about confronting the past; perhaps it was also about rediscovering the ties that bound him to this place, the connections that had shaped him into the person he had become.

As Layth and Maira walked side by side, their footsteps echoing down the familiar streets, Layth knew that no matter where life took him, no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would always carry a piece of this place with him, a piece of home.


Hope the chapter is good.

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With lots of love <3

~By authorelixar

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