A Visit from Lolita Black

Start from the beginning

I landed in a meadow and in the distance I could see the Burrow. It was crooked as usual, and smoke was coming out of the top. I honestly loved it. We both reached the door and I knocked on it. Suddenly, it opened, with Mrs. Weasely on the other side.

"Oh, Annie! Come in! How are you, my dear?"

I smiled and replied, walking in with Tonks behind me. "I'm fine, Molly. How are you?"

"Oh, good dearie. Ron and Hermione are upstairs dear. If you want to meet them."

"I'm rather tired, Molly. Is it okay if I had a lie down before lunch?" I asked, wanting to prolong meeting them. I hated the pitiful look in their eyes. I lost my dad, I get it.

"Oh," Molly faltered. "Sure, honey, why not. Your with Hermione. Just go up and the room on the left."

"Thanks, Molly." I took my trunk, and went up, knowing that the two were looking at me going up.

I reached the top floor and went into the first room I saw. I recognized a lot of books and I knew this had to be Hermione's room. I quickly jumped on the extra bed and put my trunk aside. As soon as I put my legs LG the bed, I dozed off.


It was a room in the Black manor and I could recognise it is my uncle Regulas' room. Why would I visit here? Suddenly the door opened and a woman in her mid-thirties walked in. She was very pretty, with blackish auburn hair. Kinda dark red. She had piercing green eyes. Kinda like Harry Styles. Hello, I was a muggle before! Anyway, she beckoned me to come out and seeing that I had nothing else to do, I followed. She went outside the house and on to the street, where I saw a red double decker bus waiting for us. We got in and she sat down on one of the beds, wait a second, beds?

I sat down beside her and looked around in astonishment.
"Don't look so surprised, honey." She said, before telling the driver Yorkshire and continued. "It's magic!"

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm your great grandmother, Lolita!" she spoke, as the bus started. "And I'm in your dream."

"Wha- but how?" I asked, in astonishment.

"Perks of a veela, honey. And I know I'm dead." She said, winking at me. "Now I didn't come here to chit chat with you. As much as I want to, I have limited time."

"About what? And first of all, where are we?" I asked, looking around.

"On the knight bus. It is slower, but I'm controlling the dream." She said, shrugging.

"Okay, so what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"How are you? And I don't want the bullshit, sorry pardon my french, of I'm fine, don't worry about me." She said, looking intently at me.

"Honestly, I don't think I'm fine. I mean, I had to open my mouth and tell dad that I was included in the prophecy. He did not need that nonsense just before he was going to duel someone." I ranted. "I mean, sure Harry knows what it's like to lose someone and he just lost his godfather for Merlin's sake, but first and foremost, he was my dad!"

"Honey, I know the feeling." She said, before hugging me closer. "Voldemort killed my sister and my husband. Just because they didn't join him. Thank Merlin they did not kill my son." She said, her voice breaking a bit. "But, you have got be stronger for someone. Me, it was for my son. You, it's for Harry."

"Harry?" I asked, pulling away from her embrace. "Why?"

"The prophecy, dear. You can help Harry or Voldemort. It's your choice." She said. "But don't help too much. Your survival is also crucial to someone's future."

"Who, Lolita?" I asked, then blushed a bit. "I mean, can I call you Lolita?"

"You can call me whatever you want!" She laughed. "But remember dear, be good and don't worry. Your father is in a better place now."

"I hope so." I said. "Have you here looking after me all my life?"

"Yes, but don't worry, I think you and Blaise deserve a little fun in these times." she winked.

"Lolita!" I blushed.

"No, but in all seriousness, it's fine. It's your choice." She shrugged. "I can't influence you in your decision, though I can guide you."

"Thank Lolita." I hugged her.

"Anything for my favourite grand daughter."

"I'm your only granddaughter!"

When I woke up, I felt a lot better. Like a whole lot. I needed that talk. Lolita was awesome. I changed into my pajamas and went down to eat as it was already evening. Everyone was there, all having their own conversations. That all ceased when I entered the room. Blushing, I asked,"Umm, I'm quite hungry?"

Molly jumped up and quickly ushered me into the kitchen, where she placed bread and cheese on the plate. I scarfed it down quite quickly and when Molly offered more, I didn't hesitate.

As soon as I finished eating, I went into the room and joined Hermione, Ron and Ginny. They were surprised but quite happy. I had to be strong for others.


Heya guys!

Here is another update, quite late, I can understand but it's an update!

It is short compared to the other chapters but the next chapter would definitely be quite steamy! *wink wink* Yes! If you guessed it's a sex scene between Arianna and Blaise, you are definately right. It's gonna be epic. Just making sure, the next chapter is not my own idea as I'm quite rubbish in writing sex scenes, but if you have any ideas, please message me.

It should include:-

1) Place: Where do they do it? Could be anywhere but has to be in Hogwarts and nowhere else.

2) Time: Leaning towards night, but again your choice.

3) What should they wear: It should look like Arianna was kind of nervous but still you know, willing. And Blaise should just be his sexy self.

Submission date is on or before 23rd July 2015.

The winner would have the chapter dedicated to him/her or if they would like, I could read their stories and vote & comment on it.

So come on people, let's get cracking!




But most importantly,


( ̄3 ̄)( ̄3 ̄)( ̄3 ̄)( ̄3 ̄)( ̄3 ̄)

P. S: Lolita Black is portrayed by Lily Cole . Pic is on the media!
Just imagine her with auburn hair.

Another Weasely? (A Harry Potter Love Story)✔ #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now