One last deep breath and I whispered, "Into battle."

Stepping in the house I was directed to the dinning table by our house help. I entered the long room with the 15 people dinning table laid with different types of foods. My mother, father, Alexandra and Austin were already seated at the table engaged in a conversation. 

If someone was meeting them for the first time they would believe that these people have never seen each other and this is a business meeting. But I, for one, knew them since my birth and this was just how my so called family was. If I was asked to describe them in a word it would be 'cold'.  There was no warmth of a family here.

"April, you are finally here." My mother greeted me. 

"Good afternoon everyone." I took my designated seat at the table. "I bought a bottle of wine for you."

"Hand it over of Nathaniel." Mother said. 

The butler stepped forward and took the wine from me.  

Growing up I was never allowed to say Mom and Dad or Mommy and Daddy or even Mamma and Papa. It was always Mother and Father for me.

"You are late, April." Matthew Graham, my father for name sake, said.

"I had to leave later than my planned time because of an emergency at my work." I lied smoothly. You know growing up with strict parents teaches you how to lie and not get caught with flying colours.

He shook his head and looked at me with his constant disappointed expression, "This is why we told you to join the family business. You are hardly even showing your face nowadays."

Yeah, that exactly is plan. I thought.

"My work keeps me busy. There are many cases pilled up." I gave an insincere smile.

"You should learn from your younger brother and sisters. All of them have joined the family business. Alexandra is going to be the CEO of Maragret Shephard Jewels next year. Austin handles all the international business deals made by the corporation. Alessandra is also contributing to the corporation." Mother said.

My fists balled up on my lap. I repeated in my head, 'Murder trials take years and years and if found guilty I'd be jailed for my life'

Everyone there knew just how much Alessandra contributed to the business. The only thing she did was dating the CEO of Thayer Tec. which made the business relations between the Grahams and Thayers solid.

Alexandra and Austin looked at me with uninterested gaze.

"Speaking of Alessandra where is she? Is she late?" I tried act like I care so the conversation can be diverted.

Because of the way we were raised none of us ever formed a sibling bond with each other. It was always a competition of who was better. Being the oldest sister made me feel a little guilty that I couldn't bond with my own siblings but the circumstances never let me.

"Her and Ashton are in Finland right now for a business trip so she won't be joining us today." Father said.

"Oh, that's unfortunate. I was looking forward to meeting them." I smiled. 

Unfortunate, my foot. I was happier than a kid in a toy shop.

"Let's have lunch, shall we? I haven't eaten anything since the morning because I was busy with an Italian clientele." Austin bragged.

He was the golden child of us all. The only son and heir to all of the Graham estate.

"Oh, you must be hungry." Mother sweetly cooed her favourite child. "Nathaniel, serve evryone."

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