I rush to her house, when I opened the door I heard her whining. "I'm here!" I shout while I start running to her bed. I make it and I see that it's swollen. "Here." I give her the medicine. "Feel better." She fell asleep. I was leaning against her. I wake up. Kira standing over me with a blanket. "Hello," she says, "you're awake finally!" "What?" I say confused. "I found you on the ground halfway covered by a branch the size of the porch. You were knock out!" What? "You shouldn't leave. I got your stuff." She shows me it. "A notebook, some drawing supplies, and your favorite stuffed animal!" I'm just standing there in amazement.

     "Get some rest" she said. "At least it isn't late so we can still do some stuff after." I fell asleep halfway through her sentence. When I wake up I ask if she wants tea. "Sure. Green please." I didn't even ask before like she knew what I was going to say. "You were mumbling the question when you were under the branch."  "Oh okay." I get up to make two things of green tea. Exactly like the dream. I bring the tea to her. She drinks it and finishes before I could sit down. "Thanks!" She says, "anyway, want to draw?" I nod smiling.

     Hours pass, laughing every time we sneeze or do something foolish. I look at the time. What? It's already 9 pm! I'm staring at the clock, apparently Kira knew what I was thinking. "What." She says, "We skipped dinner!" "That's what I was thinking." I say, "that's why I'm starving. Want instant noodles?" "You read my mind." She said staring at me. I get up to make instant noodles, Kira following. I grab my noodles while Kira grabs hers. "You go first, birthday girl." I say to her. She puts it in the microwave. When hers is done, I put mine in.

     Man, the smell is delightful. I ate it so quick that my mouth was burning. Kira did the same thing and we both started laughing. I lay out my sleeping bag while she gets her bed ready. By the time we're done, it's almost 10 pm. We need rest. I haven't slept because my brothers were over last night. Kira has a fear of being alone so I think that's why she hasn't slept either. "I'm so tired." I say dramatically. "Me too." Kira says. "Good night." "Night" I reply. I'm out like a light. That's how tired I was.

      After hours, I wake up. I rub my eyes and Kira is not there. "Kira?" I get up to go looking for her. "Kira?" I say louder. "Kira? Where are you?" I turn the corner and she jumps out. "Scared you!" I'm on the ground. I start laughing, she joins in. "Ready to go cliff climbing?" I nod, holding in laughter. "Let me just grab my climbing gear and-" "I already got it." She interrupts. I'm standing in shock. Then I remember that I gave her a spare key. "You scared me for a second." She giggles. I grab my climbing gear from her hand. "You ready?" I ask, she nods. "Well It doesn't start until 2 pm, so you have time." She looks at me, frowning. "Hey, we can have fun before that still!"

     It's now 2 pm. "Let's get ready!" I shout from the living room. I hear her bag rustle. "I'm ready!" I hear from the bedroom. I grab my bag and make sure I have the essentials. A rope, some belts, clips, and some other stuff. I head to the door, "you coming or not?" I shout to Kira. "Coming!" I hear back. I turn towards the door and she scares me again. I start laughing on the ground while she giggles. We start walking.

     We walk on a rough trail because that's the only way to the cliff that we know of. I got scraped by a couple bushes but other than that I was fine. Kira was scraped up more than I was. She tripped over a small branch trying to catch up to me. I brought medicine for stuff like that. We like hiking. I realize how much I like Kira. She's a nice friend. She told me that I was the first one that was actually nice to her. Apparently she lives in an abusive household. She also told me that she Self harmed and that I saved her. I'm glad I was able to save a life like how she saved mine. I was looking for my mom and I almost got run over by a car. She was able to pull me out of the way just in time. That's when we became friends.

     We made it to the cliff. We set up and start climbing. I'm pretty good at it so I lead. "How you doing?" I ask, "good!" I hear. I'm excited. I'm going cliff climbing with her for the first time! I have gone with my dad, but that's not the same. This is Kira's second time. She's super excited too. We are halfway up the cliff, we are having the time of our lives! It's exhilarating. Climbing is so fun! We got everything secure. I get a call. I use my earbuds to listen. "We are sorry to inform you but Kira's parents have been announced missing." Said the voice from the other side. I tell Kira. "Finally!" She exclaims. I know that her parents are bad so I'm happy for her.

     We are almost at the top. Suddenly, I hear a belt unbuckle. I hear screams? Wait... that's Kira's voice! I try to reach for her but it's too late. I see her tumble down the mountain. I started climbing down. I get down quickly and call an ambulance. I see her lying down on the ground covered in blood. I try waking her up but it's no use. She's unconscious. The ambulance arrives and I explain everything. I check the belt next to her. I see that it was broken. With a marking? I remember Kira telling me of her parents being weird and putting markings on everything. Oh... that's why.

     In the hospital I ask the nurse, "is she okay?" I saw her shake her head. "Best case scenario she will be in a coma for a year." She starts, "worst... I think you know." I held back tears. I start trying to hold her hand. She starts talking, "he-hello." I hear her mumble "is, is that you Sarah?" I nod my head about to start crying, "yes it is." She turns to me and says, "good- goodbye." "Don't forget our code, school." I start crying. I finally say through the tears "goodbye. I- I won't." She drops. The heart monitor straight. I start balling my eyes out. This- this can't be happening. After everything, she dies doing the one thing she loved with the only person that cared for her. Me. That's when I realized, I thought saying goodbye was easy, until it was my final one with her.

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