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As Layth's car rolled on the streets of his childhood he couldn't deny the feeling of nostalgia.

The sunset wore on, the sky was painted by yellow, orange, pink and purple color. As Layth's car walked into the familiar streets of his hometown. The town hadn't changed much since he left, the same old buildings lined the streets, and the trees moved gently in the evening breeze. It had been years since he last visited, and yet, everything felt oddly familiar, like slipping into a well-worn pair of shoes.

As Layth turned onto his childhood street, memories flooded back, each house and tree sparking a different recollection. There was the park where he used to play soccer with his friends until the sunset began or sometimes till night too. And there, across the street, was the bakery where he used to buy fresh bread every morning for breakfast.

Parking in front of his childhood home, Layth took a moment to gather his thoughts. He hadn't told his family he was coming; he wanted to surprise them. It had been too long since he'd seen them, and he knew they would be overjoyed to see him. Taking a deep breath, Layth stepped out of the car and walked up to the front door.

The porch light flickered on as Layth reached out to ring the doorbell. He heard footsteps approaching from inside, and his heart began to race with anticipation. The door swung open, and there, framed in the warm glow of the porch light, stood his mother, Sofia.

"Layth?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief and joy. Tears glistened in her eyes as she pulled him into a tight embrace. "How come you came and you didn't inform me? "

Layth returned the warm hug, feeling the weight of years of separation melt away. "Arre ammi mujhe tohfa dena tha aise aake," (Ami i just wanted to give you surprise) he said, his voice choked with emotion. "Assalamualaikum Abu"

Sofia stepped back, her hands on Layth's shoulders as she looked him over, taking in every detail. "Come inside, your father will be overjoyed to see you."

Layth followed his mother into the house, the familiar scent of home washing over him. The living room was cozy and inviting, the soft glow of the lamps casting a warm light over the space. Pictures adorned the walls, capturing moments from Layth's childhood, reminders of the love and laughter that had filled these walls.

As Layth stepped into the room, he was greeted by his father, Khalid, who enveloped him in a bear hug. "Layth!! my boy, it's been so long since I've seen you face to face, don't tell me that I've seen you on video call, those machines didn't even work proper" Layth's father exclaimed, his voice gruff with emotion.

Layth smiled, feeling a lump form in his throat. "It's not like that Abu, your mobile's connection was poor, don't blame that "Machines" Hahh!!" he said, his voice filled with laughter.

The family gathered around the dining table, catching up on each other's lives over a home-cooked meal. Layth listened intently as his parents shared stories from the past few years, their words filling him with a sense of warmth and belonging.

As the night begin, Layth felt a sense of peace settle over him. Being home felt right, like slipping into a comfortable pair of pajamas after a long day. He knew that no matter where life took him, this would always be his anchor.

And as Layth drifted off to sleep that night, the sound of his parents' voices echoing in his ears, how they felt surprised, he knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

The next day Layth decided to take a stroll in the area, as he began to walk seeing everything, memories of Layth's childhood flooded back as he walked through the familiar streets. He remembered playing with his friends until the streetlights flickered on, signaling it was time to go home. He remembered the sound of his mother's voice calling him for dinner, and the warmth of his father's hand on his shoulder as they walked to the park together.

But in the middle of the nostalgia, Layth couldn't shake the feeling of unease that growed in him. He had been away for so long, chasing his dreams and carving out a life for himself in the city.

As he walked the breeze felt on his skin making him realize that he was too busy with his work abroad, he realized that he has spent his teenage abroad which are the most rememberable years in his life he has lost his youth studying in abroad.


Hope the chapter is good.

I know that the chapter is too small I'll try to work hard on the upcoming chapters.

Do vote and comment about the chapter and share your personal experiences

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With lots of love <3

~By authorelixar

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