"No, not really." Mingyu sighed playing with the grass near his feet. "It's the way he acts around me. I just get the feeling that I'm not entirely welcome here. That's not the Cheol I know and grew up with."

"The Cheol you know? How is Cheol supposed to be anyway?"

"Cheol is an open book if there was anything that bothered him, he'd tell me right away. He's changed and I keep wondering if it's something I did." Mingyu lay down in the grass looking up at the stars.

"In short you want it like how it was back then? You moved away and his life went on. Inevitable, there are moments of his life you're simply not a part of." Jeonghan smiled understanding. "Usually, things happen along the way that change us. ...Or perhaps. Someone special came into his life... Either way, his choosing not to tell you every single thing doesn't auto-translate to him hating you. So, um... Cheer up, okay? From what I see, he still cares about you."

"YES! THAT'S IT!" Mingyu sat up. "IT'S YOU!"


"It's because he met you! You're that someone special!"

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"I knew he had a soft spot for you from the beginning but now I'm 100% positive he's into you!"

"Huh?!" Jeonghan backed away flushing red and hiding his face. "A-Are you messing with me again? I swear to god, Mingyu!"

Mingyu went into thoughtful blabber mode... "You guys are totally pining for each other! And it perfectly explains why he's acting that way! Has he been considering my feelings this whole time? We dated briefly back then, maybe he thinks I still have feelings for him? I also joked about hitting on you, what if he took it personally? Of course, anyone would feel awkward with the EWWYBBCAPSYM!"



(~A: What the fu*k?)

"You... Two dated... Y-You joked about..." Jeonghan held his head comprehending everything Mingyu spat out. "Wait no, focus Han. You're trying to get a point across!"

"And of course, he wouldn't want to go anywhere when you're here!" Mingyu grabbed Jeonghan's shoulders.

"Huh? Going where?" Jeonghan pushed his hands off. "Wait... No... It's not me! I assure you I don't play that big of a role."

Jeonghan needed to keep his mouth shut about Chan. "Well, you missed that by a long shot. Ugh... I shouldn't have bothered."

"I need to let him know that he doesn't need to worry about me! I know Let's call him over Let's redo that disaster dinner. We have to make it right this time for Cheol!" Mingyu smiled lifting Jeonghan's long hair and swishing his bangs to the side exposing his forehead.

"Why? Don't you want to see him?"

"..." Jeonghan blushed.

"It's settled then!"

"I didn't even agree yet..."

"It's written all over your face, Han."




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 1043



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