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After getting out of the cafeteria Mi-suk and I-sak ran down the hall they saw a bunch of bloodied student's stumble into the hallway out from a classroom in front of them. I-sak turned and pulled the other girl up the stair's to there right almost causing Mi-suk to fall, but luckily she was able to catch herself. 

They got to the second floor and before they could run up to the three floor more bloodied student's came running down. So they turned and ran left until they saw that their English classroom had non bloodied students.

"Hey, open the door fuck face's!" Mi-suk scream as she pounded on the door with the hand not holding the other girl's. Then they hear an animalistic growl come from there right and saw even more zombie's charging at them.

"Shit!" Mi-suk hear I-sak screamed.

Right after I-sak screamed the door was pulled open and Gyeong-su pulled them in. "Fuck" Mi-suk panted still not letting go of I-sak's hand "What the fuck is up with those kid's?" she screamed, then they all turned when they hear more banging on the doors. Thankfully it was from Cheong-san and On-jo.

Wu-jin was holding the door closed well Gyeong-su was trying to get him to open it as Na-yeon's annoying voice was shrieking at them to keep it closed. It wasn't until Cheong-san open the class window and told them to let them in did Mi-suk finally get tired of the boys bickering. She hurriedly walked over to Wu-jin and Gyeong-su and yanked the door open then grabbed them and pulled them in, much like Gyeong-su did with her and I-sak. 

"Are you guys okay?" Gyeong-su ask the boy and girl. "On-jo!" I-sak said, well running to hug her. After I-sak stopped hugging the girl Mi-suk swooped in quickly to give the girl a hug of her own before turning to Cheong-san and hugging him quickly.

"I'm glad you two are okay" Mi-suk said well looking between the two after letting Cheong-san go. The girl finally turned around to get a look at the other people in the room and saw Wu-jin and Gyeong-su blocking the door. Na-yeon, Hyo-ryung, Ji-min, and Min-ji all together closer to the back. And Joon-yeong standing by himself not to far from Mi-suk and the other three.

"How's the campus? Are we dead or what?" asked Gyeong-su. "Probably dead" Mi-suk mumbled to him. Cheong-san slowly walked to the window with Mi-suk following him to see if her guess on if they were actually dead or not was right, and unluckily it was. Another loud bang on door by a boy who's face was cover in white powder started everyone in the room.

"Who are you?" Wu-jin asked the boy, "Asshole brother-brother-in-law" Dae-su said, causing Wu-jin to open the door wider to let him in.

"Holy shit, there so aggressive" Dae-su said well Mi-suk gave him a rag to clean his face from...whatever was on it. "What happened to your face?" Wu-jin asked. "I don't know, some crazy jerk spread me with a fire extinguisher" the boy explained.

"What the fuck is going on out there?" Mi-suk asked well walking back over to the window. "Train to Busan" Cheong-san said, as if that would for the girl's question.

"The movie?" Dae-su questioned, "Aren't they zombie's it's all the same". Mi-suk scoffed before saying, "There are cannibals out there, and you think they turned into zombie?"

"It's true! Look" he said and motioned for Dae-su and Wu-jin to come to the window Mi-suk was at with him.

Mi-suk turned back to look out the window, it wasn't a pretty sight with all the zombie-cannibal people biting the normal people. Mi-suk almost jumped out of her skin when a hand slammed on the closed window. "It's Su-hyoek!" the girl said.

"It's Bare-su, it's Bare-su" the boy's said after Mi-suk. When Su-hyeok opened the window Dae-su and Wu-jin helped the boy threw it. 

"Nam-ra, hurry up!" the boy yelled out the window. Mi-suk got closer to the window just in time to see Nam-ra climb into the room with Su-hyeok's help. "Nam-ra, are you alright?" the girl asked the other, Nam-ra breathed deep before nodding her head at Mi-suk.

The girl's turned their head's to see Su-hyeok laying himself on the ground well panting. "That's it isn't it? Zombie's?" he said dramatically.

♥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♥

The student's decided to look for phone's in desks and bags other student's had left behind in the panic the zombie's caused. 

"Here!" I-sak said, everyone stopped what they were doing to turn to her. "I found one" quickly the group gathered around her in a circle. "Who's is it?" On-jo asked.

"I think it's Yeong-ju's" said Ji-min, "Shit, it's locked" I-sak muttered. The kid's debated on if the password was her birthday, but no one new her birthday so that idea when out the window. Suddenly Mi-suk remembered something when she saw the girl in the window, "We could use face id" she suggested. Most of the group looked at her confused before she asked I-sak to get her the phone for a moment.

The girl did so without question and Mi-suk approached Yeong-ju out side the room. Her plan didn't really work thought even with her pressing the phone on the glass because Yeong-ju had turned in to one of the zombies.

"Aish, it's not gonna work" Mi-suk groan to herself then turned to walk back to the group.

"Then what should we do genius?" Na-yeon asked with an attitude. "Shut up, Na-yeon. Phones have emergency call button's, we'll just use that". Mi-suk hurriedly clicked on the emergency number button and typed in 119 before handing the phone off to the closes person to her, which just so happened to be Cheong-san.

Mi-suk really hates talking to people she doesn't really know, even authority figures. The phone rang once then a man answered, "Hello, this is Hyosan High School. A ton of zombies showed up at lunch and they're eating people" Cheong-san explained to the man on the other end of the phone, both On-jo and Mi-suk looked at the boy in disbelieving.

"Don't say zombies" On-jo hissed to Cheong-san. "Than what?" he asked her.

"Cannibals, you dumb ass" Mi-suk whispered to him.

He did listen to ether of the girls and asked the man if he knew what 'Train to Busan' was. "It's true! This isn't a joke, everyone's-anyways come quickly!" the boy said hurriedly to the man on the other end that a hundred percent did not believe him.

Cheong-san took the phone away from his ear and the group was able to hear the beeping of a hung up phone. A few minutes after the call ended and everyone was silent. Mi-suk was still annoyed at Cheong-san for calling them 'zombies' instead of cannibals, because who would be leave a high school kid say zombies are at there school.

A shout from out side the room caught everyone's attention. Mi-suk got up from the window sill she was sitting on to see the zombies that where previously banging on the class doors run towards the screams they hear.

Gyeong-su pulled the door open to see where the zombies were going before Mi-suk hurriedly ran towards him to pull him in and close the door. "Are you fucking stupid? What if they saw you, dumb ass?" she scolded him. 

Na-yeon was getting annoying fast with all her yelling that was defiantly going to attract the zombies again. So On-jo took the phone from Cheong-san and dialed a number.

"Hello, sir. Do you know Caption Nam So-ju from rescue team one?" On-jo had dialed the fire station, which she probably knew by heart. "Nam So-ju is my father. Could you please tell him to come to my school?" she asked politely before abruptly shouting "There's a fire! In Hyosan High, class 2-5. Hurry up. The fire is massive!"

Then On-jo ended the call fast and handed Mi-suk the phone. 

 ♥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♥

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