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ESCO! | @nastynas@almightysosa ight I see y'all 👀2,367 Replies  23K Retweets  1

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ESCO! | @nastynas
@almightysosa ight I see y'all 👀
2,367 Replies  23K Retweets  1.5M Likes

aaliyah | @AALIYAH
@almightysosa had lots of fun with you! we gotta do more shows in the future. 💙
9,367 Replies  36K Replies  2.8M Likes
LISA. | @eyesisright
@almightysosa @AALIYAH oh y'all hunchin BAD.
687 Replies  21K Replies  45K Likes


☘️ | @IRISHBG@dinohtown she's growing up so fast!783 Replies  14

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@dinohtown she's growing up so fast!
783 Replies  14.5K Retweets  1.2M Likes

☕️ | @90sUnlocked
@dinohtown isn't the mother a singer too? 👀
1,432 Replies  35K Retweets  2.4M Likes
HOUSTON'S OWN! | @dinohtown
@90sUnlocked what y'all think?
859 Replies  200K Retweets  3.6M Likes

Beyoncé | @beyonce
@dinohtown you got time to tweet shit but when I call it's "I'm busy"?
936 Replies  100K Retweets  4.1M Likes
HOUSTON'S OWN! | @dinohtown
@beyonce don't get cussed out.
1,242 Replies  210K Retweets  3.9M Likes


LIL KIM! | @THEQUEEN@eyeisright you was just fighting that nigga

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@eyeisright you was just fighting that nigga.. now you going on a show with him?
657 Replies  150K Retweets  3.6M Likes
LISA. | @eyeisright
@THEQUEEN girl at the end of the day.. the day gotta end.
1,342 Replies  300K Retweets  3M Likes

TICAL. | @methodman
@eyeisright y'all one toxic ass couple 🤣
2,367 Replies  33K Retweets  4.5M Likes
LISA. | @eyeisright
@methodman syau light bright!
859 Replies  28K Retweets  3.6M Likes


Dally! | @mrdalvin@swingdon nigga in the studio boohooing 😭783 Replies  7

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Dally! | @mrdalvin
@swingdon nigga in the studio boohooing 😭
783 Replies  7.5K Retweets  2.2M Likes

M.I.S.S.Y | @theemisdemeanor
@IRISHBG girl it's getting bad.. this man is hiccup crying.
936 Replies  130K Retweets  3.1M Likes
@theemisdemeanor tell that nigga to dry his face.. and that I'm on my way.
783 Replies  20.5K Retweets  1.5M Likes


Looks like Irish is starting to feel bad for lil Electricity! Maybe she'll finally hear what he has to say.

But will Dino be so willing to hear what Bey has to say? Speaking of Dino, how y'all feel about him having a kid?

Y'all wanna see X and Lisa on MTVRaps? I'm down to write that out if y'all want it!

But y'all see Aaliyah and AZ?? They keep acting like they just friends but we know what's really going on!

𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐈𝐍 | nineties multi. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin