"Girls hurry tf up. It's already 4" my dad yells from downstairs

We laugh "don't get ur panties in a twist we're ready damn" I say as we walk down he stairs

He just rolls his eyes and gathers the boys who are in the back playing basketball. My mom comes over to us with filled water bottles

"Aww you girls look so cute. Hold on let me get a pic" she pulls out her phone as me and mads pose for the picture.

Nelson walks over to me and grabs my soccer bag. I thank him and walk over to the door to slip my black yeezy slides on.

"Bro why do ur shorts always have to be that short." Jake complains as he emerges from the backyard

"Bro there literally how the shorts are built. Maddies are the exact same as mine" I point at the girl that's standing next to Niles

Jake doesn't even look at her "ok? She's also not my sister. I can literally call her brother right now and I know he would be on her ass as well" he points out

"Jake leave her alone. The shorts are fine" my mom comes to my rescue

I laugh at him and walk over to Nelson. I hug him and just take in his embrace. He's always been able to just calm my nerves just by being there.

"Ok everyone out to whatever car ur going in" dad announces

Since our car only fits 5 people, Noah is taking the extra in his car. Me and Nelson run to my parent's car before anyone can take our spot. Luke ends up joining us as our parents get in the driver and passenger seats. I plug my phone into the car and start playing my summer playlist. Even though these two boys swear all they listen to is rap, they really got into the white girl songs.

5 minutes into the car ride, I feel a hand land on my thigh. I look over at Nelson and see him already smiling at me. That's something I've noticed about Nelson, he has to be touching me like always. Whether it's a hand or a leg, he is always attached to me.

I get a text from maddie and it's a picture of Niles SLUMPED on her shoulder. I show Nelson the photo and he makes me send it to him


1 attachment

Bro is there sum going on with you two?

I'll explain to you and the rest of the girls during warmup

We just pulled in.
Where are you guys?

We just parked
Omw to the field rn

K I see you

I quickly hug everyone goodbye and catch up to mads. She's walking with one of our friends Hannah who's on our team as well

"Hey hannahhhh" I drag her name

"Hey pooks" she hugs me

We make it to the turf field and see the other team at their bench. When one of the girls saw us she rolled their eyes and went back to talking to her shitty ass team. She acts like we're not about to win against them. We've already done it 3 time, nothings changing.

We have to walk past their bench to get to ours . When we pass they all just stare at us.

"Boo bitch" Hannah said to the staring girls

Jake west's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now