Game day

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(Nelson's POV)

I grabbed my basketball bag and slid on my Yeezy slides. Me and gia each put one of her AirPods in as her summer playlist started playing. They're all basic white girl songs, but let's be real, white girls songs are absolute bops.

I grab her hand and we make our way to the lobby. Apparently they were all waiting for us, cuz when we got down there the whole team was standing next to the van we were gonna take

"Finally bruh. Took y'all long enough" cam ushers us to the rest of the team

"Calm down bro, it's literally only 9:30" I say to him

"Whatever let's go" we all get into the van

It was around a 20 minute ride because we aren't going to the same court as last night. The one we're going to is a lot smaller, and they stopped letting people in already. Cam is explaining to the camera about everything going on today.

*2o minutes later*

We got to the court and I can already tell how crowded it is. There's cars parked all the way down the road leading to the facility, and the kids that weren't allowed in are crowded everywhere around the entrance.

"Ok everyone remember, no pictures or autographs" cam reminds us

I grab my bag and push Georgia in front of me. I grab her waist so I can guide her through the immense amount of people

"Ready?" I look at her

"Ya, just a little nervous but I know that you guys are gonna get me there fast" she smiles and follows Lavar out the van.


that's literally all everyone was shouting. I tried to look for the person that was asking for Georgia's snap, but Noah told me to ignore it and carry on inside.

*10 minutes later*

We all made it through security, and inside the room. It was only 10, so we still had about 45 minutes until we had to go out and warmup

(Georgia's POV)

"Georgia wanna make a TikTok?" Niles asks coming to where me and Nelson are

"Ya sure, what dance?" I ask still sitting on Nelson's lap

"Carnival" niles answers

"HA! Ya no" Nelson answers for me

Me and niles look at him crazy "and why not?" I ask him

"Because ion want all the f boys on TikTok to be thirsting over my girlfriend" Nelson wraps his arms around me so I won't get up

"Ughhhh. Fine" niles stomps away

"Nelson ur so extra" I say to him

He flips me off making me laugh. Nelson rolls his eyes but puts his head in my neck looking at me scroll through TikTok.

*time skip*
(Sorry for all the time jumps)

"Ok everyone it's 11:45 let's get out there and warm up" cam announces

I get up off of Nelson's lap and he quickly puts on his basketball shoes. Once again, he pushes me in front of him and leads me to the court. We're kind of in the middle of everyone, with Luke and niles on either side of us. It makes me feel a lot better knowing that all of them are kind of there like bodyguards. Also on top of the boys, cam has his actual body guards clearing our path.

Me, niles, and luke go over to the bench and watch the team warmup. Noah's standing next to ray as he goes around recording the team warmup, and everyone in the crowd.

Today Melos gonna dunk, so I'm not sure if his 5'7 ass is gonna make it or not, but they start clapping it up. Surprisingly, he made it and literally everyone in the crowd started yelling, us included. I'm not gonna lie, romelo's one bouncy mf.

"Let's go join the huddle" Luke says

We all get off the bench and quickly join the group of boys. Nelson smiles at me when I stand next to him. Cam explained that this game is gonna be extremely easy, and these fans didn't come here to watch them lose.

We all did the chant thing and the starters went onto the court. Nelson wasn't starting, so he sat next to me with his head laid on my shoulder.

(Cam's POV)

"Y'all those two need to lock tf in" I say as the camera points at the two teens

When I look back, I see a guy trying to talk to Georgia, but Nelson shutting him down. "Nelson's standing on business though" I laugh

The crowd starts doing the 'WE WANT NELSON' chant, and we're up by 20 so ig I'll put him in

"Nelson get ur ass off the bench" Nelson smiles and walks over to the table

Nelson takes off Josiah and everyone starts yelling. These bitches are really glazing bro, like get off his dick.

I look back to Georgia again, and see the guy still trying to talk to her. She's to nice for her own good, and sometimes it doesn't register in her head when someone flirts with her. When I walk over there I tell the boy to stfu and he in fact, shut the fuck up.

"Wanna help me coach?" I look at her as she hugs my side

"Yesss" she looks at me

For the rest of the game, she just hugged onto my side and yelled at all the players. At one point one of the girls yelled at Georgia to 'stfu you ugly bitch' and to say Nelson was ready to FIGHT someone, would be an understatement. I could tell it affected her, and I don't understand how anyone could say that to her. She's literally one of the nicest and most genuine people I've ever met. I guess I'm kinda her father figure now, so I just held her close to me and we shit talked the ref together.

*after the game*

(Georgia's POV)

"Good job Jake" I run and jump on his back

"Thanks Gigi" he calls me the name he knows I hate

I side eye him "Jake stoppp" I whine

"Sorry sis" he laughs and walks away

Nelson comes over to me and hugs me. I could tell he was tired because he wasn't talking.

"I'm sorry about that girl babe" Nelson mumbles into my neck

"It's not ur fault nels, it's ok though, she can have her opinion" I smile

"No it's not ok Georgia" he looks up with a stern face "ur the most amazing girl I've ever met, and she was just jealous that you were hugging cam. I hope that ray doesn't edit the girls face out because she deserves to be dragged in the mud." He goes back to hugging me

"Let's forget about it. You played amazing babe" we walk into the van

"Thanks babe. But I'm tired so let me sleep" he lays his head on my lap

I play with his hair and go on my phone. I took a picture of him and posted it on my private story. I'm so proud of all these boys, I genuinely don't know how they don't crack under pressure with all the fans watching. But I also can't help to think about how cam made me feel better after that girl said what she did. I genuinely see cam as more of a dad then I did my own. I'm happy he's the one that's gonna be adopting us.

Mb for all mistakes
I also didn't mean for this to be so long

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