Chapter 38

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Ariana's/Erin's P.O.V.

We reached skull rock on our canoes. I knew what I had to do.

Peter Pans P.O.V.

We watched them as they approached skull rock. I only knew what happened after this.


Erin walked up the stone steps for possibly the last time. Peter watched as the group went up the steps. He watched with a keen eye waiting for her to turn and run for it.

She didn't. Erin kept walking till they filled up her side of the rock.

Erin glanced at Henry who looked terrified. Henry had blood all over his body and was shocked on the inside.

As everyone was ready for whatever would come for this night Peter Pan made the first words.

"Looks like it all comes down to this..." Pan says with an evil tone to each syllable.

"Yes.... I guess we must all end our battles by throwing away each other." Erin said to Peter Pan.

Peter almost lost it. That was a good burn Peter thought.

"I guess we must get rid of things that suck our dreams away... isn't that right, Rumple?" Peter said to the shadow in the corner of his son.

"Yes Pan, we must and unfortunately I'm on your little wife's side." Rumple said as he walked directly next to Erin and stood there.

He had scales that shimmered a bronze color with bits of green. He had long brown reddish hair with deep black eyes.

Peter than gave a evil smirk as he held up his dagger.

Erin held up hers as she looked Pan straight in the eyes.

"Let's end this." Erin says through clenched teeth.

"All for it love." Peter says winking at her playfully.

Erin noticed there was no Yvette anywhere or Felix. I'll find them soon.

I looked at Deja as she nodded at me and got her power ready. Ariel was ready for anything at the moment. All Erin's boys were ready for this to end as they were in position. All of the strangers who came for Henry looked like they were about to kill someone.

The lost boys were ready but would try to avoid there 'mother' as much as possible. They missed her. They wanted more stories.

Peters shadow wasn't there at the time but knew what was going to happen in the end.

Peter and Erin stared into each others eyes as they started to run towards each other.

Erin blocks the dagger as the fighting begins.

Everyone fights with there arrows and rocks. They all fight quickly and fast.

Pan and Erin never lose eye contact the entire time they fight with there daggers. Without anyone knowing Felix and Yvette watch the battle in front of there eyes.

Yvette cried as Felix comforted her.

Soon there was a screech of pain. Erin saw Ash on the floor with a knife sticking out of where his heart is.

Erin abandoned Pan and ran to Ash's side as Ariel and Deja cried for there other best friends death.

"It's alright, Ariel, Deja, and Erin. Thanks for the chance at a new beginning." Ash coughed blood as he said his last words as he died in Erin's arms.

G and J cried next to them. Ash was a friend of all of them.

Erin cried genuine tears. Ash was like her son. She always looked out for him.

Erin stood up and saw all the Lost boys behind Pan as he stared at them.

"Your weaknesses never change do they? Always for a loved one am I right?" Peter spoke to Erin as she looked at Pan with hatred.

Erin grabbed her heart in her pocket and took it out and held it in the air.

"Hypocrite." Erin yells at him holding a dagger close to her heart.

Peters eyes widen. How could she have figured out his weakness He thought. He knew she wouldn't hesitate on plunging the dagger into her heart.

Erin's smirk grew as she saw Peters face. She knew she had hit a spot.

Rumple was looking at the two. He thought they were married? No no. There was something here that can't be explained or put into perspective he thought as he kept looking at each one.

Wait, he thought.

He had it.

True love.

Yes, they refuse to believe it but he could sense there hatred of love. Something happened to each one. Something extraordinary. Each cell on there bodies had so many sparks. Each one waited for the other Eagerly. Yes yes more love than Snow White and Prince Charming Rumple thought as he paused the time.

They wouldn't go for each other. Scared Kittens, rumple assumed.

He put them back in motion eagerly waiting for the ending of his father and the girl he so desperately loved.

Henry watched the battle with his own eyes terrified of what may happen. He read there story but the next couple pages were torn out of existence.

Yvette hugged Felix. They both loved Peter and Erin or Ariana, whoever she was. All they both wanted was Neverland to go back to the way it used to be.

Deja and Ariel hugged closer to each other as both teams backed up leaving a football field for both deadly lovers.

The anticipation was agony as every single person watched both of them waiting for one to move.

Only one thing happens....

Erin smirk rises at the tension in the room as she moves her heart down to her chest level and does something extraordinary.

She puts the broken heart back in her chest.

Erin's/Ariana's P.O.V.

I heard No! All around the room when I felt feelings for the first time. Each person I looked at showed me each story. Each memory. I looked at everyone and last was Peter Pan.

I looked at him and felt love. I remembered our memories, our moments, and our kisses.

Each one sent sparks through out my body. Each one spilling passion more than anything in this world right on my broken heart. I couldn't see anything just the memories.

I didn't feel anyone else's hands only Peters on my arm. I finally regained my vision as I look at a teary eyed Peter Pan.

"Ariana, please don't leave me." he cried.

"I never have nor will I ever leave you." I say to him in a whisper as I only saw him only him. No one else was in the room only him. Only him and I.

Nothing else mattered.

Me and Him

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