p o e m

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"classes over. " the teacher said. we all ran out of class. I ran to my friend, she had something to show me. "look! it's a letter! ". we opened it, a love letter! today was Feb 12, so that made sense.

" you bought me sunshine,
when I only saw rain.
you brought me laughter
when I only saw pain
will you the one and only,
be my valentine ? "
  write your response for locker 45

" my first love poem! " she said "that rhymed nicely! ". "will you be his valentine? " "YES!!" we went to locker 45, slid the response through the air vents. ring ring it was time for lunch- finally! "who do you suspect that was from? " I don't really know the boys here" "kaylee? " a random girl said. "yes? " I responded. "can we private talk? " "yeah sure-" she dragged me to the girls bathrooms. "I know who sent the love letter- don't tell laila" "ok ok, I won't, who sent it" she took a deep breath.

love letterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن