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His insides felt like they were burning into white ash. The amber lead was merciless, and in time it could possibly kill Law if the sea-prism stone wasn't removed. The stone nullified and suffocated all powers associated with his devil fruit, and that even meant his immunities to the disease. If it weren't for his devil fruit in the first place, he would have been dead long ago, at the young age of thirteen. He was rendered as weak as he was when he was a child by this point. Not only was his strength marginally dissipated, but his immune system's defenses as well.

As Doflamingo practically ripped apart the bandages that were bound around Law's waist, all the younger male could do was grimace, his brows furrowing and eyes slightly dilating from the rough manhandling. Law couldn't help but feel immensely violated when the blond removed the remainder of his clothing just to fondle him further. The reminiscent sickness Law felt currently however, was far more distracting. What he felt…redefined nostalgia completely, because he was re-living it. The pain was surreal, except this time there was also a demon was physically with him.

"Law... it'll be my pleasure to make you bleed down here…"

Snapping back to reality briefly, the dark-haired male felt an even greater weight of stress set within him. The lead immersing itself within Law's body already made it hard to breathe…but the fact that Doflamingo wanted to penetrate him was enough to make him lose his breath completely. Anxiety washed over the surgeon, causing him to tremble gently beneath Doflamingo's touches. Trafalgar Law was not afraid of death, nor dying. He had accepted his fate the moment he decided that he would do whatever he could in his power to bring the master puppeteer to his very own demise, even at the cost of his life. As if on cue, Law coughed out the remnants of lead mixed with saliva from his mouth. At least he had come this far…and completely destroyed Doflamingo's several years worth of work on Dressrosa and project SMILE. Law had successfully captured Caesar, destroyed Vergo, Monet, and the factory at Punk Hazard. He had created an alliance with one of the strongest crews known to date: The Straw Hat Pirates. The surgeon was content knowing that he was one of the major causes of the freedom of the enslaved people of Dressrosa; that he assisted in the restoration of power to the rightful king. The rest…he hoped Luffy and his crew along with the navy could do. To save the city from one last threat: the birdcage. After barely clearing his throat from his prior cough, he murmured with whatever strength he could muster, "Do your worst…but in the end I'm…" Law's voice was husky, soft, "…the one who's fucked you." Despite his pain, Law managed to smirk to himself, knowing full well that if anyone truly lost anything in this mess: it was Doflamingo. If he had the freedom to do so, he would have flipped off the flamingo at that very moment. The exertion of even thinking and speaking caused Law's head to spin once more, a soft huff escaping his lips as he came to a silent resolution…

Law came to the resolution that Doflamingo could violate, torture him, and even kill him—and in the end none of it would have even mattered because Law knew that he had left his goals in very admirable hands. His faith in Luffy, the straw hats—and his very own heart pirate crew was enough to keep him alive and kicking thus far. One way or another, Doflamingo would be taken down—no matter how far he sailed. In the end…justice would be brought and Doflamingo would face the ultimate consequences. Despite all of this…there would be still a few things Law would regret: leaving his own crew. He couldn't even begin to imagine what Bepo and the others would feel like without him. They were just as strong as Luffy's crew, mentally and physically—so he knew they would continue their plans, adventures…even if Law were to never rejoin them in Zou. Those thoughts along with Corazon were the ones…that caused Law's heart to sink into an acid bath there was no returning from. His smirk soon faded into a crestfallen realization.

As the deeper meaning beneath Law's words revealed themselves to Doflamingo's ears and mind, veins began extruding ever so lightly along the blonde's forehead. Fingers sinking into Law's hips, Doffy came forward and pressed the entirety of his torso and groin against Law's back. His dangerous lips were now pressed to the nape of Law's neck, his nose buried in the dark fuzzy locks of hair. Blackly, he whispered, "I'm glad to inform you that you're the only one getting," he bucked his hips forward—straight between the cleft of Law's ass causing a stifled breath to rip out of the other, "fucked, Law." Almost immediately the larger male removed the strings binding Law to the precarious stand he was in…he immediately caught hold of Law's upper arms as the younger stumbled completely onto his feet—Doffy ran him forward, straight into the wall of the medium sized room they were in. The side of Law's face hit the wall, his clavicle well pinned into the wood as well—the impact resulting in a sharp grunt. Doflamingo wrapped his arms tightly around Law's waist, pressing his chin into the nook of the surgeon's neck, "I'm going to fuck you senseless..." he hissed into Law's skin, causing the other to shudder in mental disbelief.

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