Mrs. Perez Does Cartoons

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Mrs. Perez, now many years dead,

Had a voice that could warm up your heart.

It was no surprise she was queen in the eyes,

Of all those who witnessed her art.

Now there is one form which I am forlorn,

To say that she did not take on.

That form was cartoons full of jokes and buffoons,

And heroes that you could cheer on.

For these she'd voice act on account of the fact

That she'd done TV series' before.

If she'd done animation this singing sensation,

would make folks tune in even more.

If cast in El Tigre, I think she would be a

Good friend of Manuel's mom.

Whether hero or villain the show would be thrilling

I believe that without any qualm.

If starring in Spongebob, it would have been her job,

To voice Sandy's friend from high up,

Who'd remind her old gal pal,

"I love who you are now,

Let's embrace that we are grown up."

But the best thing she'd be, and I think you'll agree,

is a guest on King of the Hill.

As a substitute teacher with fabulous features,

who'd put envy inside Peggy Hill.

But all this won't happen, yet I still imagine,

That someday up in the sky,

Mrs. Perez in the world of the dead,

Would be willing to give it a try.

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