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Iris held her bleeding side as she stumbled through a forest. "Help!" Iris shouts as she holds her side, groaning as she fell to her knees. Her long black dress tattered and dipped in the mud.

The woman fell on her good side, slowly losing consciousness. But when a group pf people walk by, they immediately see the woman.

"Oh my god." Mary Margaret says as she recognized who the woman was. "Who is that?" Emma questions as Mary Margaret knelt to the ground.

"She's Princess Iris. One of the 12 dancing princesses." Mary Margaret says as Mulan picked the woman up with the help of everyone in their small group.

Iris woke up on the brown earth, grass ticking the back of her neck. She saw a woman with short black hair looking down at her.

"This will do. We'll make camp here for the night. We just need to find water, collect some firewood." She hears another woman say.

Iris looks around and sees a woman with brown hair, and a woman with blonde hair. "Uh, if we're hiding from ogres, shouldn't we maybe, I don't know, not start a fire?" The blonde woman questions. 

"Ogres?" Iris questions as she sits up quickly, clutching her side. "Hey, let's get you back down." Mary Margaret says as she lays Iris against a tree.

"Ogres are blind. They hunt by sound alone." Mary Margaret says. "Right. Because that's something everyone would know about ogres." Emma says as Iris stands up, never losing her perfect posture.

"Look, I know you're out of your element..." "I'm fine." Emma cuts Mary Margaret off. "I know. But, maybe you should just stay here while we get wood and water. Guard the campsite with her." Mary Margaret says in reference to Iris.

"You mean the big, empty clearing?" Emma questions. "It's the safest place. We'll be right back." Mary Margaret says as she and Mulan go their separate ways.

Emma looked to Iris, the brunette doing the same. "Thank you, for bringing me along and helping me." Iris says as she goes and sits down next to Emma.

"Anytime. What were you doing over there anyway?" Emma questions, Iris' eyes becoming glassy.

"My sisters...I was looking for them." Iris says, Emma taking this as a que to stop talking about them.

After the sun set, Iris and Emma heard a scuffle. The two women walked over, Emma with her gun raised. "Don't talk to her like that!" Mulan shouts to Mary Margaret, shoving her off a woman who was on the ground.

"She tried to kill me." Mary Margaret exclaims as Mulan picks up Mary Margaret's dagger. "I will deal with her." Mulan says. Suddenly a warning shot was fired, the sound echoing through the air.

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